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Riffs You can Use - Part 17
Lyle: Hi
Ed: hi
JimK: hi
Tribemaster: hello
This lesson is going to be about using the minor pentatonic scale for the
different chords in a blues progression.
Lyle: The lesson sample above is just a sample,
no chord changes are in it.
Lyle: You will be working with a typical minor
blues progression in Am.
Lyle: The three basic chords in the progression
will be A, D, and E. These are the 1 - 4 - 5 chords in A.
You will be playing minor pentatonics for each chord:
JimK: it has a
ZZ Top feel to it
Here's the rhythm part for this minor blues progression.
Notice the chord progression in riff 1, the rhythm part.
Lyle: Here's a jam track:
For improvising over this type of progression, most people stay in the first
key, which would be Am in this case.
Lyle: What I want you to try is switching keys
each time the chord changes.
Ed: that's what I do, stay in Am
Ed: I can't
keep up with chord changes very well
Lyle: When the rhythm chord is Am, use the Am
pentatonic to improvise with. When the chord moves to Dm, use the Dm pentatonic
to improvise with. Same deal for the Em chord, use the Em
Lyle: Here's an example:
Lyle: If
it's tough to keep up with the changes, just keep it simple and roll through the
scale patterns like I did in riff 2. Practice listening and thinking where you
are in the progression and just play simple stuff.
Lyle: Any questions?
I can handle this so far
Ed: no questions from me
Try it next time you get to jam a blues progression.
Lyle: Follow/chase the chords in the progression
with the basic pentatonic riffs you like to play!
Tribemaster: what is a good pedal with different
Lyle: I'm not sure, so many to choose
Lyle: I think Ibanez has a new pedal that is like
two in one, a copy of a tube screamer and then a boss distortion plus, all in
one unit, designed by Steve Vai and
Tribemaster: thanks,
Welcome. Well, that all for this lesson tonight. Hope you learned something new
to try.
Ed: yes,
thanks Lyle
Lyle: Welcome. Have a good week and hope to see
you next time.
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