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Lyle Ronglien >> Blues Guitar for Beginners >>

Blues Guitar For Beginners

Lesson 8

Lyle: Welcome to another Blues lesson. This one has a cool solo made from the E minor blues scale. But first it's a good idea to learn how to play the rhythm guitar part. This is another 12 bar blues progression:

chord chart

Lyle: For the measures that have the E chord you'll want to do this rhythm riff:

Lyle: I like the sound of this riff. It reminds me of a ZZ Top song or jam.

Lyle: You can use a clean tone or dirty tone. You can even do this on an acoustic guitar.

Lyle: Take the E riff and move it down one string to make it an A riff:

ZZ: Can I use the pinky for the 5th fret instead?

Lyle: Yes you can use the pinky for the 5th fret part of the riff.

Lyle: The "E and A" rhythm licks use a power chord made from root note and 5th degrees, then alternating between the 6th and b7th degrees of the key before it comes back down.

Lyle: During measures 9 and 10 you'll play this:

Lyle: For the final 2 measures you'll play this next riff, also known as "the turnaround riff":

Lyle: Here's how all the rhythm parts go together for the complete 12 bars:

Lyle: Play along to the TAB notation. Select the loop feature. Once you get it down and can play right along with it, try playing along to this looping jam track:

Lyle: For most beginners this rhythm riff isn't too tough. With a little practice you'll get it down in no time at all.

Lyle: The solo I've made for you to learn is a different story. This solo will give some beginners something to work at.

Lyle: First learn the E minor blues scale in the open position:

Lyle: Pay attention to which fingers you are using for this scale pattern. Many times I see beginners using the wrong fingers. Look at the TAB playback on the virtual neck to see the fingerings.

Lyle: The solo is made mostly from this scale. I made the solo by repeating this riff here:

Lyle: Notice the first note of the main riff has a slight bend to it.

Lyle: Here's the first solo with this main riff all through it. There will be a few other "bonus" blues riffs mixed in there too:

mark: That riff just doesn't sound the same on an acoustic! :-)

Lyle: Play it hard and heavy if you're using an acoustic.

Lyle: Can I show you another solo that is just like this one?

ZZ: Go for it!

Lyle: The minor blues scale is made from the root, b3, 4, b5, 5, and b7 degrees of the major scale.

Lyle: The MAJOR blues scale is made from the root, 2, b3, 3, 5, and 6 degrees of the major scale.

Lyle: I made you another solo from the E major blues scale way up high on the neck:

Lyle: Here is the solo. You'll be jumping around the neck and switching from the E major and minor blues scales.

For some beginners this solo will take extra practice!

radica: Those bends on the G string sound nice!

Those are very important little bends that help give you the blues sound.

StevO: I dig the bends on the 9 and 10 what are those called? are those chords?

Lyle: Those are just a couple notes from the A7 chord.

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. I hope this gives you something good to practice for the week. See if you can memorize the solos and then play them along to the looping jam track.

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