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Lyle Ronglien >> Blues Guitar for Beginners >>

Blues Guitar For Beginners

Lesson 10

Lyle: This lesson will show you how it sounds good to mix the major and minor pentatonics to make blues riffs. The solo in the lesson sample is made from both major and minor pentatonic scales in E. Here's your looping jam track you'll use to play the scales and riffs against:

Lyle: It's a real simple groove based in Em. Here's what the bass guitar is doing in the jam track:

Lyle: Here's the Em (minor) pentatonic scale down in the open position:

Lyle: There's a little extension of the pattern that runs up into the 3rd and 5th frets.

Lyle: Your first blues riff is made from this scale and position. It has 4 different techniques built into it. It has a bend, a release of the bend, to a pull-off, and then a vibrato. Bend the string up towards you or pull it down.

Lyle: Try this riff with the looping jam track.
Simple blues riff, but played correctly, sounds good.

Lyle: In the next riff, keep the 3rd string ringing once you hit the 2nd string.

Lyle: The next riff uses the E major pentatonic scale. This starts in the open position but quickly moves up the frets. Learn this cool pattern now:

Lyle: Here's the next riff. You'll notice it shifting back and forth from both the minor and major pentatonic patterns:

Lyle: The major pentatonic scale is made from the 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 tones of the major scale:

Lyle: The next riff takes you up the neck to play both the E major and minor pentatonics. Here's the scale patterns for you to learn now.

Lyle: Try these scale patterns against the jam track too. Practice them ascending and descending.

Lyle: Here's an E minor pentatonic pattern at the 12th fret:

Lyle: Next is riff 4 using these two scale patterns:

Lyle: Try these riffs while the jam track is playing. Notice how riffs from both scales sound cool?

Lyle: Here's another riff using these same scale patterns:

Lyle: Next riff has you going back down to the open position E minor pentatonic scale:

Lyle: Riffs 5 and 6 are good examples how scales can be made into riffs.

len: my fingers want to hit the next note up in the scale ...on that last riff ...

Lyle: Same with this next riff example that has you ascending the E major pentatonic:

Lyle: These are all the riffs in order as recorded in the Lesson Sample at the top of this page.

Lyle: Try to memorize each riff in order, then play the lesson sample again and see if you can play along.

Lyle: Here's a video of me playing the lesson sample:

Here's a looping jam tracks that has all the riffs in it, which will help you remember which riff comes next:

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. Jam along to the looping jam track. Practice the scale patterns up and down, and get those simple blues riffs sounding good.

Lyle: For further study I recommend the lessons I made in the CD-ROM series called Jam Sessions - All Blues Styles.

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