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Lyle Ronglien >> Guitar Essentials >>

Guitar Essentials

Lesson 15 - Latin Jazz Style

Lyle: Hi everyone! It's essential for a guitarist to be able to play several styles of music. This lesson will teach you a little bit of the Latin Jazz style. Listen to the lesson sample.

Lyle: It's made from a couple of chords:

Lyle: Here's the main rhythm riff made from these chords:

Lyle: Here's a looping jam track for this progression:

az2: Is there an easy way to understand if you are strumming up or down based on the riff 1 tab?

Lyle: Yes, watch the video clip.

Lyle: Does that help?

az2: Yes for most of it. The midi suggest fingers 1 and 4 for the Am chord, it looks like you have something else going on in that position, is that so?

Lyle: Play the full Am chord, your 4th finger happens to lie on the 4th string. You don't need to strum all 6 strings.

Lyle: Watch video clip of rhythm 1 and you'll see me holding down the full Am chord.

Lyle: Here's another rhythm riff, based around the same chords:

Lyle: When you have a jam like this in Am but the other chord is E7, you want to use the A harmonic minor scale:

Lyle: The lead riffs in the lesson sample were made from the notes in the A harmonic minor scale.

Lyle: Here's the first riff from the lesson sample, you'll play it twice:

Lyle: Once you repeat that riff, the second riff starts:

Lyle: The next riff flows through the whole scale:

Lyle: The last riff of the lesson sample is a fun one:

Lyle: Each riff was played twice in the lesson sample.

Lyle: Here's another jam track with the rhythm parts in it:

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. Next week a different style, maybe classical.

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