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Lyle Ronglien >> Guitar Essentials >>

Guitar Essentials

Lesson 2 - Rhythm

Lyle: During this series of lessons I want to teach you many different essentials to becoming a better guitar player.

Lyle: This lesson is all about counting out loud, tapping your foot, and strumming or picking your guitar.

Lyle: Check out this first rhythm, based on just quarter notes:

rhythm 1

Lyle: You should learn how to tap your foot and count out loud at the same time.

Lyle: Try this:

Lyle: Your goal is to be able to tap your foot, count out loud, and pick a note all at the same time.

Lyle: Sounds easy? Well. from my experience as a teacher, there are many students that struggle with this.

Lyle: Here are a couple looping metronome beats you should practice all the upcoming exercises with:

Lyle: Let's try another rhythm:

rhythm 2

Lyle: V = down stroke or strum, ^ = up

Lyle: This rhythm is harder to tap, count, and play all at the same time. You have to sync up everything and feel the rhythms.

Lyle: The video clips should provide a little extra help.

Lyle: Let's try a new rhythm:

rhythm 3

Lyle: Here's rhythm 3:

dh: If we were to play rhythm 3 with the metronome set at 90 would that be 90 beats for each down stroke? And the upstroke would be between the metronome beats?

Lyle: dh, yes.

rhythm 3 is all 8th notes.

Lyle: Don't tap your foot 8 times per measure, just on the "down" beats.

Lyle: The down beats are the 1, 2, 3, 4.

Lyle: the "and's" are the up beats.

Lyle: Try this next one:

rhythm 4

Lyle: Next is a popular rhythm for strumming. The 1 beat gets an accent, followed by 8th notes.

rhythm 5

Lyle: Next rhythm is another very popular strumming rhythm, yet it is hard to play for many of my beginner students.

rhythm 6

walker: Lyle is it possible for you to do a bo diddley rhythm example?

Lyle: sure

dh: Lyle is there an 1/8 note "rest" on count 3 rhythm 6?

Lyle: dh, that's not a rest, you let it ring.

dh: Okay

Lyle: The next rhythm is all 16th notes:

rhythm 7

zz: how do you practice these rhythms? last lesson you gave us a kind of warm up plan for each?

walker: not to hang up your lesson, but doesn't the bo diddley rhythm have to change in order to sound good? in other words isn't there a lot of muting and accenting, while keeping the beat but doing it in different ways?? I guess this is more of a lesson question

Lyle: ZZ, you want to learn how to tap your foot, count out loud, and pick or strum a note or chord for each of these rhythms.

Lyle: walker, that's the basics of the diddly rhythm. Sure you can put scratch mutes and stuff in-between those rhythms.

walker: thx

rhythm 8

mlnjr: I just ran run a couple o' scales - and they seemed to 'flow' allot better with the one-e-and-a going thru my head.

Lyle: good!

Lyle: The next rhythm is 8th note triplets. 3 beats for each quarter beat.

rhythm 9

Lyle: Next is a variation of the 8th note triplets. This is also known as the shuffle beat, used in blues rhythms:

rhythm 10

Lyle: The video clip helps explain this rhythm:

Lyle: There are other cool rhythms to learn but these are the basic ones. Being able to tap your foot, count out loud, and pick or strum any of these rhythms is very important in your overall study of music and the guitar.

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