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Lyle Ronglien >> Guitar Essentials >>

Guitar Essentials

Lesson 3 - Open Position Chords & Scales

Lyle: This lesson is about a few basic chords and scales found in the open position that every guitarist should be familiar with. The open position means that you use open strings and your fretting hand is down low by the nut, within the first couple of frets.

Lyle: Let's start with some open A chords:

Lyle: Pretty easy chords in the open position.

Lyle: Here's some basic C chords:

Lyle: Notice I didn't list any Cm chords. That's because they would be bar chords. I'll cover that subject soon. Stay tuned....

Lyle: Here's the D chords:

Lyle: And next, the basic E chords in the open position:

Lyle: As I mentioned earlier, this lesson is about basic chords and scales found in the open position that every guitarist should be familiar with.

Lyle: Here's our G chords:

Lyle: With these open position chords comes bar chords. Be familiar with these chords and memorize the names too. Listen closely to the differences in the sounds each chord makes.

Lyle: Now let's cover a few scales that are found down in the open position and that are used often. Mostly in the key of A and E. Let's start with the A scales:

Lyle: Here's a looping jam track you can use to play any of the A scales with:

Lyle: Next is the A Major pentatonic. It uses the 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6th degrees of the Major scale:

Lyle: The A pure minor scale is also known as the relative minor scale, the Aeolian mode, and natural minor:

Lyle: The Am pentatonic uses the 1, b3, 4, 5, b7 tones of the pure minor:

Lyle: The Am Blues scale is just like the minor pentatonic, but with an added b5:

Lyle: One of my favorite scales is the A harmonic minor scale. It is just like the pure minor, but with a major 7th in it:

Lyle: Here's something I meant to show you first. It is all the natural notes down in the open position:

Lyle: Let's look at the E scales:

Lyle: Here's a favorite in the key of E, the E major pentatonic:

Lyle: Here's a looping jam track you can use to practice any of these E scales with:

Lyle: The most used scale for guitar players is the E minor pentatonic:

Lyle: The second most used scale is the Em blues:

Lyle: These are basic essentials every guitar player needs to know. There is so much to learn. We will expand upon these in the very near future.

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