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Lyle Ronglien >> Jam Sessions - All Blues Styles >>

Jam Sessions - All Blues Styles

Lesson 2 - Blues in D

Lesson Sample

Lyle: Ready to jam?! In this lesson you'll learn a couple different rhythm riffs and 3 different solos made from 3 different scales. Here's your jam track:

Jam Track - Blues in D

Lyle: Hare's the chords used in this jam:



Lyle: This is a classic progression used in the blues/rock style. Try this with either super clean or slightly distorted tone, add chorus and a little bit of reverb.

Lyle: Notice the Cadd9 and G chords both use the 3rd and 4th fingers, so does the Dsus4 chord. Here's how I suggest playing the rhythm part:

rhythm riff 1

rhythm riff 1

Lyle: Here's another way of playing the 3 basic chords. This is what I like to call the "Hendrix rhythm style" type of riff. Your index finger is used to bar across the 5th, 4th, and 3rd strings.

rhythm riff 2

rhythm riff 2

chord chart

Lyle: All three chords are related to each other. They all happen to be in the key of G major. D is the V chord, C is the IV chord and G is the I chord in G. Since the chord progression starts and ends on the D chord, you should center your soloing around the D by using D pentatonic scales.

Lyle: Since the D chord is NOT a minor chord, the D major pentatonic would be my first choice of scales to use:

D major pentatonic

Lyle: Here's a little solo I made from this scale:

solo with major pentatonic

solo with major pentatonic

Lyle: Your turn! Try playing the D major pentatonic scale and this solo example along to the looping jam track.

PaulB: that's what I've been doing :)

Lyle: I can hear ya!

Lyle: The major pentatonic against the major chord gives you a strong sound. To get a blues-ier sound, try the minor pentatonic against the major chord.

Dm pentatonic

walker: hard to play at that speed at the end

Lyle: Thought I'd give some of you a little challenge.

Support: You can use the "tempo" button to slow it down and select smaller sections of the notation with the mouse to work on...

walker: ok

Lyle: Good idea Support, thanks. You can 1) slow the TAB down, 2) slow the jam track down.

Lyle: Now listen to this solo. It is the same thing only using the D minor pentatonic. Notice it has a raunchier, darker, and bluesy tone to the over-all sound:

solo with minor pentatonic

solo with minor pentatonic

Lyle: So you can use both the major and minor pentatonic scales against this blues jam in D.

D major and minor pentatonics

dh: The chord arrangement is close to Bon Jovi "Wanted Dead or Alive"

Lyle: dh, yes

Lyle: There is another good scale you can use to jam with, the D mixolydian mode:

D Mixolydian mode

Lyle: The mixolydian mode is the dominant scale. It is the 5th mode of the G major scale.

Lyle: It has 7 different tones in it, making it more melodic sounding than the 5 tone pentatonic scales

Lyle: Here's an example:

solo with mixolydian

solo with mixolydian

Lyle: Try playing all 3 solo examples back to back along to the jam track. This will help train your ear to recognize the tone difference between the three scales used.

Lyle: Here's a video example:

video example with improv

Lyle: Any questions?

dh: Is there a certain chord that makes it easier to switch from the major to the minor pent?

Lyle: dh, the V / dominant chord like the way it was used in this jam:

chord chart

Lyle: D is the V chord, C is the IV chord and G is the I chord in G.

Lyle: So when you have the chance to play a jam against the V chord like this, both major and minor pentatonics can work well with each other.

Lyle: Good question dh.

Lyle: Let's take a break for now.

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