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Lyle Ronglien >> Jam Sessions - Funk Style >>

Jam Sessions - Funk Style - Lesson 10

Lyle: Grab your guitar and jam along! Join in on these jam sessions, which are designed to teach you theory and technique, rhythm riffs, chords, scales, riffs, and solos, as you play along to the jam tracks. Listen or watch the media clips below to see and hear what you'll learn in this lesson:

Jam Sessions - Funk Style - Lesson 10

Jam Sessions - Funk Style - Lesson 10

Lyle: Hi and welcome to lesson #10. This is a fun up tempo jam in Dm. There are 4 different rhythm riffs I'd like to show you. Load this jam track now:

Jam Track in D - part 1

Lyle: The first rhythm riff is doing the same thing as the bass guitar. It's also using notes right from the D minor pentatonic:

rhythm riff 1

rhythm riff 1

Lyle: I'm using a wah-wah pedal, rocking it back and forth to the beat. It goes down on each beat. The x's are muted strums. Take your left hand and mute the strings while you strum to create the muted scratch sound. The only note in rhythm riff 1 that isn't inside the Dm pentatonic is the second to the last note, the 2nd fret D string.

Lyle: There is a second rhythm guitar part that plays "in the hole" of the rhythm riff 1:

rhythm riff 2

rhythm riff 2

Lyle: Here's a looping jam track of both guitar parts together at the same time:

rhythm riffs 1 and 2

Lyle: Riff 1 should be coming out of your left speaker, riff two should be coming out of your right speaker. Now you should be able to hear how rhythm riff 2 plays the little hammer-on riff inside of riff 1. You can switch back and forth between the two while you're jamming to this groove.

Lyle: Next is part 2 of the jam. You'll have a slightly different jam track:

Jam Track in D - part 2

Lyle: Here's a rhythm riff that introduces a couple of basic minor chords, Dm and Em:

rhythm riff 3

rhythm riff 3

Lyle: Here's another rhythm riff for this section of the jam. It's just like rhythm riff 2, only stretched out, you only play the hammer-on riff once per measure:

rhythm riff 4

rhythm riff 4

Lyle: There you have it, two jam tracks, and 2 rhythm riffs for each jam track. Jam track 1 is very up tempo feeling, while jam track 2 is at a half time feel.

Lyle: Here's the full jam track containing both parts. 8 measures of Jam Track part 1, then 8 measures of Jam Track part 2:

Jam Track in D - both parts

Lyle: Here is the same thing but with all the rhythm guitar riffs in the jam:

Jam Track in D - both parts with guitars

Lyle: If you listened to the lesson sample at the beginning of this lesson, you would have heard all these parts playing along until it came to a little solo. The solo is made from scales belonging to the key of C major. Since the Dm and Em chords are introduced in rhythm riff 3, this means those are the 2nd and 3rd chords of the key of C.

Lyle: Here's how the solo lays out using different scales, all in the key of C:



Lyle: It goes to show you that knowing your modes and how to use them helps you get out of the same old rutt of using just the minor pentatonic all the time.

Lyle: Try playing along to the jam track and jumping around from the different rhythm riffs you learned earlier. Then try learning the solo or parts of it. You can simple use the D minor pentatonic over the whole jam or any mode in the key of C major.

Lyle: That wraps it up for this lesson and this series, Jam Sessions - Funk Style II. If you have any questions on this or other lessons, feel free to email me at All the jam tracks from Funk Style I and Funk Style II are all on one audio CD that you can play in any CD player. If you're interested in that or you might like to get your own custom private lessons from me using Riff Interactive technology, just drop me an email. Thanks and have fun! - Lyle

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