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Jam Sessions - Rock
Lesson 5 - Jam in A7
I'm going to show you a few riffs and scales to play against this jam track in

Here's one way you can play the chords along to the jam track:
Here's how I played the rhythm in the lesson sample
The three chords - A, G, and D are used in the jam track. A7 isn't ever played
but it is implied. The A is the V chord in the key of D, G is the IV chord in
the key of D, and D is the I chord of itself. So the chord progression of this
jam is based off the 1 - 4 - 5 chords in D, we're just playing them backwards
from the 5 to the 4 to the 1 in D. The V (5) chord of a key is the "dominant"
chord such as the A7 or A9 type chords. So we treat the A chord in this jam as
A7, the dominant chord in the key of D.
Lyle: You can play a D major scale over this jam
because as I've just pointed out the 3 chords are all related to the key of D.
Listen to the audio of this tab file. It's the D major scale played over the jam
This next scale pattern is tricky but good to practice for your fingers:
Here's the D major scale again, but this time using a 2 octave pattern and all
The 5th mode of the D major scale is A mixolydian. Notice how the two scales
share the same notes:
Here's a riff made from the notes in the A mixolydian scale pattern at the low
end of the neck:
The A Mixolydian has the same notes as the D major scale.
Lyle: This is why I call the jam in A7, because
the A chord is the V or dominant chord of the progression.
Lyle: One of the favorite scales to use over a
rock style jam like this is the A minor pentatonic. Here's a riff made from this
The A major scale has a G# in it. That would sound good with this jam because of
the G chord in it.
Lyle: Here's a classic rock style riff:
Since the jam is based around A7, the V chord in the key of D major, what minor
scale/mode can you use to play against this jam?
Dorian maybe.
vince: A min
Lyle: The relative minor for the key of D major
is B minor:
write: B
Lyle: Yes, the B Aeolian, or B
relative/pure/natural minor scale. It can have any of these
What about B Phrygian
Lyle: That's not related to the key of
B Phrygian is the 3rd mode in the key of G major.
write: So
you are saying that it would have to be F# Phrygian?
write: Now
it starts to click.
Lyle: Any mode in the key of D major will work
against this jam track which is based around the A7
Lyle: Modes in the key of D
Lyle: D Ionian, E Dorian, F# Phrygian, G Lydian,
A Mixolydian, B Aeolian, C# Locrian.
Lyle: Like in this jam, the A chord is the "tone
center" so I would say the A mixolydian mode would be the mode of choice because
A is the V chord in the key of D, because all three chords in this jam are
related to the key of D.
Lyle: For more info about modes, check out my
CD-ROM called Understanding the Modes by Riff Interactive. ;-)
write: Lyle in
the rhythm track I notice you use power chords hammering on and leaving out the
third. Does that make it easier to use a minor pentatonic
Lyle: The Am pentatonic has a flatted 3rd in it.
The A mixolydian has a major 3rd in it. When you play a flatted 3rd against the
A7 sound you are really playing a #9 sound, creating an altered dominant sound.
This is why the Am pentatonic will sound good over this
Lyle: I'm going to take a break right here but
you can keep on jammin'! All the jam tracks for this series are available
for download off my web site, . They are in a high quality MP3
format that you can save and burn to a CD so you can drop it in your home stereo
system and crank it up. Email me if you have any questions - Thank you! -
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