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Jam Sessions - Rock Style II

Lesson 8 - Jam in C# continued

Lyle: The jam track in the last lesson was so much fun for me I thought I'd use it again for this lesson. I'd like to show you a couple ideas you can play against it using modes. First load up your jam track:

Lyle: Here's the rhythm riff:

Lyle: Since there is only a riff consisting of just a C# and a Bb note as the roots, it leaves it wide open as to what key the jam or riff is centered around. Look at this next TAB file:

Lyle: The two notes in question can be found in 3 different major scales. This means you can play in 3 totally different keys at any time while jamming to this jam track. This opens up so many tonal possibilities which helps you get out of the rut one can easily get in when jamming using a pentatonic all the time.

Lyle: The C# note is the 5th degree in the F# major scale, C# is the 4th degree in the Ab major scale, and it's the 2nd degree in the B major scale.

Lyle: Even though the C# note is in several other major scales, it's the two notes here in this riff that are only in these 3 different scales. Through the process of elimination I worked that out.

srvfan: Cool, so there is many possibilities to where you could even play pentatonic over?

Lyle: Yes!

Picky: How is the chords are C# and Bb when there is a G# and F as the bass notes?

Lyle: Those are lower 5ths on the guitar, the bass guitar is playing C# to Bb. Your root notes are on the 5th string in the rhythm riff tab.

Lyle: The C# mixolydian is the 5th mode in the key of F# major.

Lyle: If you listen back to that tab file you'll hear how the Mixolydian mode sounds against the jam track. You'll also see it lay out all across the virtual neck.

Lyle: Here's the first solo from the lesson sample above. This is made from the C# Mixolydian mode which is the 5th mode in the key of F# major. You may notice you'll be playing a F# major scale ascending riff in bar 3:

Lyle: In that solo you are combining a B mixolydian arpeggio riff with a F# major scale riff, with a unison bending riff.

Lyle: The next solo from the lesson sample switches keys to Ab major for what I think is a very interesting sound. Remember, the two rhythm notes C# and Bb are found in the Ab major scale. They are the 2nd and 4th degrees in the key of Ab. Listen to how this scale sounds against the jam track:

Lyle: Here's a solo I made from this scale:

zz: Can we use Ab mixolydian as well?

Lyle: Yes, but I don't think I would because it would only give you the straight major sound against the C# jam track.

Lyle: Ab mixolydian is the V of C#, meaning you would be playing notes from the C# major scale. That would give you the opposite of the blues sound, and Rock style comes from the Blues style.

radica: The Ab adds some nice tension to the melody.

Lyle: Ab is the 5th of C# so it should sound "perfect" and not add any tension.

Lyle: But if you wanted to get back to that rockin' bluesy sound, then fall back into the C# minor pentatonic or even the C# Dorian minor mode, which is the 2nd mode in the key of B major:

Lyle: Since the jam can be thought of as the C#m, the 2nd in the key of B major, you could play a riff using the E Lydian mode, a nice and exotic sound mode.

zz: Seems like Minor pent and Dorian work on lots of scenarios

Lyle: Many have traveled the world with only the minor pentatonic.

Lyle: Here's an example and the last solo from the lesson sample:

radica: what sort of mode run is that on the end of the E Lydian?

Lyle: That last measure is from notes in E Lydian / B major.

Lyle: Here it is down an octave:

zz: I think they call that Ala mode

write: Thanks Lyle. You put so much into the lessons.

radica: Yep, Thanks for the time as usual Lyle!

zz: Thanks notch as always:)

Pete: thank you Lyle

Lyle: welcome!

Lyle: That's all for this lesson, have a great week and hope to see you again.

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