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Jam Sessions - Rock
Style II
Lesson 10
Lyle: This jam is in
F. It's actually the V chord type of F because of the Eb major involved in the
rhythm riff. I'll explain. First, load up your jam track:
Here's the rhythm guitar riff that is played during the jam. It's made from two
chords, F and Eb:
The F chord is the V chord and the Eb is the IV chord, both related to the key
of Bb major.
Lyle: This rhythm riff is what I call a "Hendrix
rhythm riff".
Steve: I was thinking Rolling
third stone
Lyle: Yes, The Stones too.
Lyle: I've made a bunch of riffs that end up
harmonizing together, just like you hear in the lesson sample. Each of these
three riffs come from the F Mixolydian scale.
Here's the three riffs that make up the first part of the lesson
Try playing that along with the jam
Lyle: I'm using a fairly clean amp setting, along
with a rotovibe pedal effect, some delay and reverb has been added
Lyle: Here's the harmony to that
The third harmony is:
You can play any of the three riffs along to this jam track which you'll hear
all three riffs together in harmony:
Any questions?
Steve: what is the relationship between those 3
Steve: are the 3rd apart?
Mike: I
tried those scales with double stops, sounds nice
Lyle: Riff 1 is built off the root, F. Riff 2 is
built off the major 3rd, riff 3 is built off the 5th.
Steve: I
3 part harmonies, all stacked on top of each other.
Lyle: Try playing riff 1 a couple times, then do
riff 2 a couple times, then riff 3 a couple times.
Lyle: You could loop any of the TABs and play
along with them too.
Support: there is a 'loop' button under the
notation if you haven't noticed
Lyle: Try looping riff 1 and then on your guitar
play riff 2.
Lyle: Let's move on to a few solo riffs I played
against this jam. You know that there are two chords in the jam, F and Eb.
They are the V and IV chords in the key of Bb.
Besides using the F mixolydian scale that I posted earlier, you could also use
the F Major pentatonic scale while improvising over this jam
Lyle: To
get a bluesy sound, try using the F minor pentatonic:
Here's the first part of the solo I recorded for this lesson, notice how it
starts with the F major pentatonic then changes to the minor pentatonic at the
end of the riff. You'll also hear the difference.
Mike: The maj.
sounds a little bit like the Allmans,and the min. Rolling Stone,even Robert
Lyle: Yes. the major pentatonic gives you a
southern rock sound, the minor pentatonic gives you a blues rock
Lyle: Use them both when you're playing against a
dominant 7 chord or a major chord.
Picky: How do you know when it's ok to change between
Major and Minor scales?
Mike: That`s a good mix
Lyle, thanks.
Lyle: It's doesn't matter in this example.
Whatever sounds good to your ears is a good rule. Try different things. As long
as people aren't throwing vegetables at you, you are doing
Lyle: Check out this next example which is the
next riff in the solo. It is all from the F minor pentatonic:
This next riff is a good one for repeating and setting yourself up or giving
yourself time to think about what to play next:
Lyle: The last riff from the lesson
Here's a video of the complete solo:
Pacer: Lyle, What pickups do you
Lyle: Seymour Duncan pickups with coil tapping
(Neck pickup/Seymour Duncan Alnico II, middle pickup/Seymour Duncan APS-2,
bridge pickup/Seymour Duncan JB)
Pacer: Thanks, I'm a Duncan fan
Lyle: You can hear my Hendrix influence in this
Lyle: Time for me to take a break, but you can
keep on jammin'! All the jam tracks from this series are available in high
quality MP3 download from my site - Click on Jam Tracks for more
info. See you next time!!! - Lyle
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