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Jazz Guitar For
Lesson 7
Last lesson you learned many ways to play chords for this simple 8 bar

Lyle: In this lesson you'll learn different
scales you can play against this same progression.
Lyle: Here is your looping jam track you'll use
to practice against:
Here's a simple way to play the chords for this
Here's an example of how you can make up riffs or a solo from those
chords. You can play arpeggios from those chord
Lyle: This chord progression is in the key of Eb
Major. Cm is the relative minor of Eb.
Lyle: Fm is the ii minor (Dorian).
Dm7(b5) is the vii (Locrian) in the key of Eb Major.
Lyle: The G7 chord is what can be called a
secondary dominant chord for the key of Eb. Usually the Gm chord would be the
iii chord in Eb.
Lyle: Looking at the progression in a more simple
way, you can say this progression is in the key of Cm!
But the G7 chord, acting as the V chord in Cm throws a red flag up, signaling
you to be aware and play a C harmonic minor scale during that
Lyle: Now learn these scale patterns, then I'll
show you a way to use them to make a
Lyle: Here's the Eb Major
Lyle: Another major scale that belongs to the key
of Eb is the Ab Lydian mode, the 4th mode in Eb.
Try those scales against the looping jam track and you'll hear how well they
sound with the progression.
Lyle: During the Dm7(b5) chord I'll have you
playing the D Locrian mode:
During the G7 chord you'll want to play the C harmonic minor
wayne: Could
you also play C harmonic minor over the Dm7b5?
Lyle: Yes wayne.
Lyle: Now here's how you can put these together
over the progression:
Lyle: Here's a video of
Lyle: I
also forgot to mention you can use the C minor pentatonic scale over any and all
of the progression!
TomA: I figured
that out already :)
Lyle: The C natural/relative minor scale works
great over any and all of the progression too. It is called the C Aeolian
The use of "double-stops" (any two notes played together at the same time)
always sounds good in jazz. Here's a simple way to practice playing the
double-stop technique by ascending the C minor scale:
Oh wow! So THAT is how Jazz players get that sound!
Lyle: A
jazz legend named Wes Montgomery is famous for this sound. He could play
anything using double-stops.
Lyle: In this example of double-stops you're just
playing octaves. I like this sound because it makes the tone so much fatter.
Here's a video of this.
That should give you some cool ideas to work on.
LiveOak: Yes!
wayne: What a lesson! Thanks Lyle!
Lyle: Good time to take a
break. I'll see you at the next lesson!
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