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Lyle Ronglien >> Jazz Guitar for Beginners >>

Jazz Guitar For Beginners

Lesson 7

Lyle: Last lesson you learned many ways to play chords for this simple 8 bar progression:

chord chart

Lyle: In this lesson you'll learn different scales you can play against this same progression.

Lyle: Here is your looping jam track you'll use to practice against:

Lyle: Here's a simple way to play the chords for this progression:

Lyle: Here's an example of how you can make up riffs or a solo from those chords.  You can play arpeggios from those chord shapes:

Lyle: This chord progression is in the key of Eb Major. Cm is the relative minor of Eb.

Lyle: Fm is the ii minor (Dorian).

Lyle: Dm7(b5) is the vii (Locrian) in the key of Eb Major.

Lyle: The G7 chord is what can be called a secondary dominant chord for the key of Eb. Usually the Gm chord would be the iii chord in Eb.

Lyle: Looking at the progression in a more simple way, you can say this progression is in the key of Cm!

Lyle: But the G7 chord, acting as the V chord in Cm throws a red flag up, signaling you to be aware and play a C harmonic minor scale during that chord.

Lyle: Now learn these scale patterns, then I'll show you a way to use them to make a solo.

Lyle: Here's the Eb Major scale:

Lyle: Another major scale that belongs to the key of Eb is the Ab Lydian mode, the 4th mode in Eb.

Lyle: Try those scales against the looping jam track and you'll hear how well they sound with the progression.

Lyle: During the Dm7(b5) chord I'll have you playing the D Locrian mode:

Lyle: During the G7 chord you'll want to play the C harmonic minor scale:

wayne: Could you also play C harmonic minor over the Dm7b5?

Lyle: Yes wayne.

Lyle: Now here's how you can put these together over the progression:

Lyle: Here's a video of it:

Lyle: I also forgot to mention you can use the C minor pentatonic scale over any and all of the progression!

TomA: I figured that out already :)

Lyle: The C natural/relative minor scale works great over any and all of the progression too. It is called the C Aeolian mode:

Lyle: The use of "double-stops" (any two notes played together at the same time) always sounds good in jazz. Here's a simple way to practice playing the double-stop technique by ascending the C minor scale:

LiveOak: Oh wow! So THAT is how Jazz players get that sound! Thanks!

Lyle: A jazz legend named Wes Montgomery is famous for this sound. He could play anything using double-stops.

Lyle: In this example of double-stops you're just playing octaves. I like this sound because it makes the tone so much fatter. Here's a video of this.

Lyle: That should give you some cool ideas to work on.

LiveOak: Yes!

wayne: What a lesson! Thanks Lyle!

Lyle: Good time to take a break. I'll see you at the next lesson!

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