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Lyle Ronglien >> Jazz Guitar for Beginners >>

Jazz Guitar For Beginners

Lesson 9

Lyle: This lesson has another chord progression for you to learn. It's only 8 measures long but you change chords two times per measure, on beats 1 and 3.

Lyle: Most of these chords are your standard chords, plus the addition of the dim7 chords.

Lyle: Select the LOOP function on the TAB player, then click play and play along to help you memorize the whole progression.

Lyle: Next is a very good rhythm technique to learn for the jazz style, it simply is called comping. You'll strum on each beat of the measure. But you'll take your fretting hand and slightly lift up off the frets only to stop the strings and the chord from ringing right after you strum it.

Lyle: Listen to this TAB file for this sound:

Lyle: Hear how the chord starts and stops.

Lyle: Here's a video of this technique:

Lyle: Here's another video of both hands in action:

Lyle: Here's a couple jam tracks for you to play this progression with:

Lyle: Most of the chord progression is in the key of Eb Major so you would start with he Eb Major scale when improvising to this:

Lyle: Here's a basic improv I did with the Eb Major scale:

Lyle: To get the blues sound or the jazz sound you might try playing the Ebm blues scale:

Lyle: Within the key of Eb Major, you get the blues sound when you play some of the notes that are not in the Major scale such as the b3, b5, and b7 degrees.

Lyle: Here's what I call the "blue notes" in Eb:

Lyle: Look at these again when you play them back over the Eb major scale:

Lyle: Notice how the so called "blue notes" are all outside the key of Eb.

Lyle: The blue notes are all found in the Ebm blues scale though:

Lyle: Here's another simple improv solo example where I switched back and forth between the Eb Major scale and the Ebm blues scale, just to mix up the sound against this chord progression.

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. Your goal is to be able to play the comp style rhythm for all the chords on each beat. Just have a little extra fun with the scales and improvising with the jam track.

Lyle: It's a fun chord progression!

Lyle: Jam on!

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