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Jazz Guitar For
Lesson 10
Lyle: In the past
lessons you've worked very hard on chords and progressions. This lesson is all
about the jazz melodic minor scale. It is very much like a plain Major scale but
with a flatted 3rd degree.
C D E F G A B - C
Major scale C D Eb F G A B - C melodic minor
Lyle: Here's the first pattern for the C melodic
minor scale:
You should memorize this pattern, then practice playing along to this jam
Lyle: Be
sure to playback the TAB notation so you can see the pattern as it is displayed
on the virtual fretboard. Then use the image pattern to help you improvise using
just these notes while the jam track is playing.
Lyle: Here's pattern 2 for the C melodic
There are 3 more patterns to learn:
It's an odd sounding scale to me. It has a major/Lydian tone to it, yet the
flatted 3rd provides a blues sound.
Lyle: And it sounds a lot like the harmonic
TomH: It
sounds like something from a spy movie.
Lyle: You've worked on that scale in these past
lessons. The C harmonic minor has a b3 and b6.
C D E F G A B - C major scale C D Eb F
G A B - C melodic minor C D Eb F G Ab B - C harmonic
Lyle: Here's all 5 patterns. It's looks
interesting if you view all 5 patterns on the virtual fretboard. Then you can
make your own little patterns and riffs from any of the notes you see. Find your
own patterns:
Lyle: The highlighted notes are all C notes, the
TomH: Do
you memorize patterns in groups like this Lyle?
Lyle: Yes. I'll start with one pattern and play
it ascending and descending a few hundred times....then move to the next pattern
and do the same.
Lyle: Make sure you're playing the correct notes.
You don't want to waste time practicing the wrong way. Plus, you want to be
training your ear to recognize the unique sound of the
That makes sense.
Lyle: In the lesson sample you hear a little solo
being played. I made this solo from 4 riffs within this C melodic minor pattern.
It's a combination of patterns 3 and 4:
mike: I try
working on 1-string patterns to get the sound and feel ,then I will try the
ascending & descending.
Lyle: Good idea. Next is the 4 little riffs I
used to make the solo. Try learning the riff, then loop the TAB and play along
with it until you got the riff memorized.
You might have to slow that riff down a bit....I just blazed through the whole
scale pattern.
Lyle: The next riff is made from all
double-stops. These will be octaves:
mike: Ha ha,
thats sweet!
The next riff descends:
The next riff just copies a little "box" pattern found on the 2nd and 3rd
Put all 4 little riffs together and you have the same solo from the lesson
sample above. Here's a video of all 4 riff being played:
There is a short chord progression used in the jam track, centered around the
key of Cm:
mike: I took
the solo riff 2 and looped it, mixed up some of the scales you gave us, "much
Lyle: Very cool idea!
marko: Is it a
I IV V progression?
Lyle: Yes, It stays on the Im (Cm) for 4
bars, then the IV7 - V7 - IV7 - V7 (F9 - G9).
Lyle: Here's a couple more jam tracks of this
progression you can work with:
The jam track with guitars has the solo in it, to help you play right along with
That's all for this lesson. Practice real hard on this scale. It's one that all
the jazz cats use.
Lyle: Thanks everyone for hangin with me during
this series of jazz lessons. It's been
Lyle: I'll make more jazz style lessons in the
future. I have some jazz song standards in the RiffInteractive format
available for download if you want more to study, email me for info. Also check
out my other lessons titled Jam Sessions - Smooth Jazz Style, I'm sure you'll
enjoy those lessons too. Thank you very much for your purchase and have fun! -
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