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Slide Guitar for Beginners - part 3
Lyle: In the last two lessons we
worked with major chords in a blues progression. Here in this lesson I'd like to
introduce a minor chord and how to approach it using a slide and a couple simple
solos made from scales. Listen to the Lesson Sample to hear exactly
what you'll learn in this lesson.
Lyle: Get started by loading the media of this
tab and listen:
We'll be jamming in E minor for this lesson, so when sliding to the Em
chord at the 7th and 9th fret, you have to mute the 2nd string with your
right hand so it doesn't sound major, that's what I'm trying to
tell you in the last tab.
Lyle: Here's the jam track you'll be using in
this lesson:
track in Em
Lyle: Here's a look at the chord progression
for the jam track:
chord chart

Lyle: Let's try following the chord
progression by sliding to each chord like this:
riff 1
Lyle: In riff 1 the tab may look confusing and
hard but it's not. You're just sliding to the different chords during the
Lyle: Be sure to "listen" to the tab or watch
the video to see what I mean.
harold: Which do you use, fingers or a
Lyle: I am using a
Lyle: Notice in riff 1 I add the 2nd string
into the chords for D and C at the 6th measure to give it a "harmonic lift",
making it fatter sounding.
JAA: Are your strings set higher for using a
Lyle: Good question, no. I just lightly glide
over the strings. I use a light gauge of strings, 9-42.
sammy: I'm
guessing a guitar with higher strings works better?
Lyle: It can but then that's all that guitar
will be good for. I just practice playing slide on a regular guitar and use a
light touch.
Lyle: Here's riff 2 which is like riff 1 only
an octave higher:
riff 2
gui: Is what the slide is made of
(steel, brass, glass, ceramic,...) affecting the sound of the 'sliding
Lyle: gui, I think so, but it depends
if you're using an acoustic guitar or a clean sound on your amp. If you're using
a distortion sound, you might not hear the difference of slides made from
different materials. I like the steel slides because they don't break! Slides
don't cost very much and if you really want to know the difference in the sounds
different materials make, go try a few out at your local
Lyle: Let's try playing a melody with the
slide. Try playing this simple pattern of the E minor pentatonic scale with the
The hard thing about playing a scale with the slide is when you have to move to
the next string. You want to keep all the strings around the one you're playing
muted. To do this takes some practice with your right hand. See if you can play
that E minor pentatonic scale without extra string noise.
Lyle: Here's a video demonstration of muting
with the right hand.
muting strings w right hand
How do you mute the extra strings when playing the high E
Lyle: Your right hand thumb can lay down a
little to help mute.
harold: Do you slide into each note of the
Lyle: Yes, try sliding to each note, slow and
Lyle: Listen and learn this next tab file,
it's like a little solo made from the E minor pentatonic
riff 3
Lyle: The main thing about learning to play
guitar is making things sound good. You don't need to know how to play fast or
real complicated stuff, that comes with time, but it's real important in the
beginning to learn how to make even the simplest things sound as best as they
harold: Do
you pick all the notes?
Lyle: Yes, pick then
Lyle: Let's try one more scale, then we'll
make another solo out of it. This is the E natural minor on just the 2nd
See if you can memorize it if you don't know it yet. Here's a solo example made
from this scale:
riff 4
Lyle: BTW - you can loop the tab so you can
play along with me for riffs 3 and 4, or use the jam track from earlier in the
Lyle: The tab shows you going up to the 24th
fret. I only have 22 frets on my guitar so I slide up to where the 24th
should be! Watch the video for riff 4 to see this. Then add a heavy
vibrato with the slide to the last note way up there.
That's all for this lesson. I hope you enjoyed it and you learned something new
to do with the slide. If you are interested in receiving your own customized
private lessons like this using Riff Interactive technology, write me at for more info.
Thanks -
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