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Lyle Ronglien >> Beginning Guitar IV - Bar Chords >>

Beginning Guitar IV – Lesson 5


C and G Position Bar Chords

check your tuning

Lyle: Ok, for the last 4 lessons you learned about the bar chords in the A, E, and D positions. These "positions" come from the open chord shapes and are moved up the neck to get to any other chord. Now you need to be aware of two more shapes/chord positions based off the C and G chords:

C and G chords

Lyle: In the "C position" there are these three basic chords you'll use:

Basic open position C chords

Lyle: The minor and minor 7 shapes are too hard and are passed on for now. Like I've said in the earlier part of this series, bar chords can be tough to play for many beginners. Think of this as a chord dictionary for you to refer back on later if these are way to difficult right now.

Lyle: Here's how the open position C chord can be moved up two frets to make a D chord using a different fingering but retaining the same shape:

C and D

Lyle: The 6th string is not used for this position. Your index finger has to bar the 1st and 3rd strings.

Lyle: Here's the three main chords you would use in this position:

The 3 Ds

Joel: owie.. wondering if it's easier on a electric.. :) pinkie hurts already.

Lyle: Yes, these chords are much easier to play on an electric guitar.

Lyle: Here's all the major chord shapes up the neck for your chord library:

major chords in the C position

Lyle: The circled note is the bass/root note for each chord. Whatever that note is when using this shape, is the root of the chord.

Lyle: Here's all the major 7 chords:

major 7 chords in the C position

Lyle: The dominant 7 chords, which are the bluesy sounding chords, are easier to play because you don't have to bar anything but you do have to mute the 1st and 6th strings:

dominant 7 chords in the C position

Lyle: Now I'd like to show you the easier way to play this chord shape. By only using the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd strings, you can get the same chord with a small grip:

broken F chord in the C position

BigTX: Why are they called broken?

Lyle: Like if you broke those outside strings and were only able to play the inside strings. These have no bass/root note.

BigTX: So just play the middle three?

Lyle: Yes and imagine where the root note is. I'll show you more on that in a minute.

Lyle: Let's look at the open position G chord shape and how it can move up the neck:

movable G position chord

Lyle: These are almost never used in the real world because they're so tough to play quickly.

Lyle: You can do the broken version of the chord:

broken G chord

Lyle: Pretty tough. The other major 7, dominant 7, minor, and minor 7 G position chords aren't used much using this shape because they are so tough.

Lyle: Here's an example of how the two "broken shapes" can be used in the real world.

riff example using the broken chords

Lyle: Now you have learned that the 5 main open position chord shapes, A, C, D, E, and G, can all be moved up the neck giving you 5 options on where you can play virtually any given chord.

tommy: Sounds like the Stones.

Lyle: Yes, the Stones, and other R&B rhythm guitar use these shapes all the time.

Lyle: Here's the plain A major chord played in all 5 positions up the neck:

A major in 5 positions

Lyle: Here's the plain C major chord played in all 5 positions up the neck:

C major in 5 positions

Lyle: Here's the plain D major chord played in all 5 positions up the neck:

D major in 5 positions

Lyle: Here's the plain E major chord played in all 5 positions up the neck:

E major in 5 positions

Lyle: Here's the plain G major chord played in all 5 positions up the neck:

G major in 5 positions

Lyle: That's all for this lesson and series on basics of bar chords. There are many more chords to learn, but these shown on this CD are the basics you should be aware of. If you would like me to make you a custom private lesson using this Riff interactive software, email me for the info: I can help you with just about anything you want to learn, even help with learning your favorite songs! Each lesson is archived for you and can be downloaded to your computer. Thank you very much for purchasing this CD-ROM and hope you enjoyed your time spent here. See you at the next lesson!

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