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Understanding The
Modes - part 1
Lyle: Hi and welcome to the first lesson
in this series. In this lesson you will learn the Modes
that are related to the major scale and hear examples of how they sound when
used in an improv. In later lessons you'll learn how, when, and why to use the
modes. Your goals with this lesson
1. memorize to names of each mode,
2. memorize its intervallic formula, 3. memorize its relationship to the
major scale, 4. and most of all, memorize how to play
each mode!
As you listen to this first audio sample,
Here's an audio sample where I'm playing all 7 modes, one at a time, against a jam track that is in the
key of E. Notice how the "flavor" or tonality
changes about every 8 bars or so. That's because each of the 7 modes has
its own unique sound. This is why it's important to learn
Modes so you can expand your own sound.
sample all the
Here's a chart for the modes:
modes chart

Lyle: In the chart you'll see that the first
mode, Ionian has scale tones from 1 to 7, which is the major
scale. The 2nd mode, Dorian, starts on the 2
degree of the same scale and ends 1 octave higher than
where it started. All the modes work this way. Even though
they all use the SAME notes of the original major scale, they will have a
different placement of the whole step and half steps within creating a different
Lyle: Here's the first mode, the
E Ionian. This
is the E major scale. Ionian is the major scale. Formula:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 degrees of the major scale.
And here's a 6 string version for you to learn:
Learn these two scale patterns and play along to this looping jam track:
Looping Sound
Clip 1
Listen to this audio sample of me improvising against this jam track using the
two scale patterns:
Ionian sample
The purpose of you doing this is to become familiar with the mode pattern and
the unique sound it has.
The 2nd mode is called "Dorian". It starts on the 2nd note of the major scale
and continues to the 9th. Check out this tab example, you'll see and hear me
playing the E major scale followed by the F# Dorian mode:
Lyle: Now you'll learn the
E Dorian mode. The Dorian is a minor scale built off
the 2nd degree of a major scale. Formula:
1-2-b3-4-5-6-b7 as compared to a major scale. Now learn these next two tab patterns
for E Dorian.
Lyle: Use this new
looping jam track to play the E Dorian patterns with:
Looping Sound Clip 2
Listen to me playing these two patterns with this jam
Note" The E Dorian mode is the 2nd mode in the D major
Lyle: The next mode to learn is called the
Phrygian. Like the Dorian, it too is a minor mode.
The Phrygian is built from the 3rd degree of a major
scale. So the E Phrygian is the 3rd mode of the
C major scale. Phrygian:
1-b2-b3-4-5-b6-b7. Learn these two patterns for E Phrygian,
then play them against the same jam track you just used for the
Listen to this sample of me playing the E Phrygian. You'll notice how strong a
"minor" sound it has.
Phrygian sample
The next mode, built off the 4th degree of a major scale is called the Lydian
mode. It is a major type of scale. So the E Lydian is the 4th mode of a B
major scale. The Lydian is:
1 - 2 - 3 - #4 - 5 - 6 - 7. The only thing different between the E
major scale and the E Lydian is that the E Lydian has a
#4. Here's two tab files of the E
Use this jam track to practice improvising the E Lydian:
Sound Clip 3
Here's a sample of me playing the E Lydian with this jam track:
Lyle: Next is the Mixolydian mode. It's built
from the 5th degree of a major scale. So E Mixolydian is the 5th mode in the A
major scale. Formula is:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - b7. It is called a dominant mode because of
the major triad with a flatted 7th. Sounds major but when you get to the b7th,
it has a bluesy tone to it. Here's E
Use this jam track to practice the E Mixolydians with:
Sound Clip 4
Listen to a sample of me playing these two patterns
Mixolydian sample
Next is the Aeolian mode. Built from the 6th degree of a major scale, this mode
has several names; the relative minor, natural minor and pure minor. They all
mean the same thing. So the E Aeolian is the 6th mode in the
G major scale. Aeolian formula:
1 - 2 - b3 - 4 - 5 - b6 - b7. Here's two patterns for the E Aeolian minor mode:
Use this looping jam track to practice the Aeolian with:
Sound Clip 5
Here's a sample of me playing these two patterns:
The final mode is called Locrian. Built from the last note of a major scale, the
7th degree, it is also a minor type of scale but this time with a flatted
5th. So the E Locrian mode is the 7th mode in
the F major scale. Locrian formula:
1 - b2 - b3 - 4 - b5 - b6 - b7. Here's the E Locrian
Use this jam track to practice the E Locrian with:
Sound Clip 6
Listen to a sample of me playing these patterns with the jam track:
Now you have learned all 7 modes of the major scale. Look at this chart for a
quick review:
chart 2

Lyle: In the sample at the very beginning of
this lesson, you can hear me playing all of these modes back-to-back.
Once you have memorized all of the patterns from above, try playing them along
to either one of these jam tracks.
Looping Sound Clip 7
Looping Sound
Clip 8
You should become familiar with each of the mode names, formula, which degree
the mode comes from within the major scale and the sound that makes each mode
If you would like further study on this topic or any other topic, email me at for info on how you can get your own customized guitar
lessons like this using Riff Interactive technology. Your private lessons can be
downloaded to your pc for anytime, anywhere study. I can even teach you how to
play your favorite songs! Thanks and see you at the next lesson. - Lyle
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