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Lyle Ronglien >> Rock Legends >>


Lesson Sample

Lyle: Probably best known for his exaggerated right arm windmill and guitar smashing techniques in the band The Who, Pete Townshend is a visionary, lyricist, main songwriter for The Who, and master of the power rhythm guitar. In early 1959, Pete played the banjo with John Entwistle on trumpet in a band called the Confederates were they played mostly traditional jazz music. In the following year Pete switched to guitar and Entwistle to bass guitar as they soon joined up with Roger Daltrey. The Who was born. His early musical influences include R&B, soul and American folk and blues. Pete was inspired by Bob Dylan's song writing, which led him to start writing his own songs. The rest is history.

Lyle: He favored Gibson SG and Les Paul guitars along with Marshall and Hiwatt amplifiers. Suggested listening: My Generation, Won't Get Fooled Again, Baba O'Riley

Lyle: Pete might just be the best rhythm guitar player in rock history. He's loud and fast using more than just the two-note power chords. The lesson sample above has 3 main parts in 3 different keys. Pete seemed to write his music like that, very orchestrated. Here's the rhythm guitar part 1 from the lesson sample:

Lyle: Notice the use of full chords, the difference in dynamics and the quick muting of the chords. Even though it's a simple groove using just 3 chords, you're playing them differently every time you repeat the progression. This is one of Pete's style points to be aware of.

Lyle: After you learn this rhythm part and the next 2 parts, I'll send you a jam track to play along with. Rhythm riff 1 is in Em. The next rhythm riff is in A.As you examine Pete's style, you'll notice he changes keys often along with the groove of the tune.

rhythm riff 2

Lyle: Notice in measures 4 and 5 the A and G chords are played higher up the neck using just 3 strings. Pete likes using these types of chords to break away from the big chunky sounding chords like in rhythm riff 1. Now the 3rd rhythm riff changes keys again, this time to B:

rhythm riff 3

Lyle: Play rhythm riff 3 twice through before you start over with rhythm riff 1. After you have learned and memorized all 3 rhythm riffs, use this jam track to play along with:

Looping Sound Clip 1

Lyle: Next you'll learn a few lead riffs in the style of Pete. He mostly played in the minor and major pentatonic scales. The riffs you'll be learning are in the B major and B minor pentatonic scales during rhythm riff 3. Here's a couple patterns of the scales:

Lyle: If you listen to the solo from the lesson sample you'll hear how these next 5 riffs go together to make one solo. Pete would often play melodic runs using scales like this first riff from the B major pentatonic:

solo - riff 1

Lyle: Still in the B major pentatonic, this next riff is a very common riff that Pete would use:

solo - riff 2

Lyle: The next riff shifts into the B minor pentatonic. It's one of those 2-note riffs like in the Chuck Berry or Scotty Moore style:

solo - riff 3

Lyle: This next riff is a quick 3-note triad of the B minor chord:

solo - riff 4

Lyle: I suggest using your 1st, 2nd, and 4th fingers for this riff. The last riff is typical again of Pete's style, using the whole scale to make a fast riff. This is right from the B minor pentatonic pattern:

solo - riff 5

Lyle: I think I have one more riff to show you... This is in the lesson sample too, it's something I call the "organ riff". This riff is to be played during rhythm riff 3, like where the solo is:

organ riff

Lyle: That's all for this lesson and the end of this series. I hope you have enjoyed your lessons. If you would like to study more if this style or anything else, you can in a private, customized lesson like this using Riff Interactive technology. Email me at for more info. Thanks - Lyle


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