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Michael Johnson >> 70s Funk Blast >> |
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70s Funk Blast - Monday - Week 3 |
Today's funk riff is reminiscent of a classic Stevie Wonder tune from the `70's. It's used over E7 and can be played a few different ways. One approach is to play it straight as written, maybe even muted a bit. This is done by lightly touching the strings with the picking-hand wrist while picking the notes. Another way to play this pattern is to attack it with lots of "attitude" and "slop" adding all the in between "chick" sounds and even a few pull-off's to open strings. You'll also want to pick the bottom 2 or 3 strings all the time (muting the unused ones) adding a "fatter" note attack. Check out the audio clip. I'll play it the riff both ways. Then try it over the looping jam track.
| Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
| Skill Level:     Key: E