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Michael Johnson >> 70s Funk Blast >>

70s Funk Blast - Tuesday - Week 4

Today's funk riff demonstrates a single-note funk line with a few chord accents at the end. It's reminiscent of the trend in the late 70's towards single-note phrases often played with a wah wah or phase shifter. The notes are all from the E7 scale (A major) and should also be alternate picked (up/down picking strokes). This riff can be played with full up/down stroke hitting all strings. Only the melody notes should be allowed to sound, while all others are muted. This creates a huge sound! This take some practice figuring out how to get enough fingers and thumbs on the un-used strings. The line can also be played with the strings muted to give the phrase a staccato effect. Play it with Jam Track #5. Check out the audio clip of the actual groove.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: E

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