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Michael Johnson >> Acoustic Folk Guitar >>
Lesson Subject: Acoustic Folk Guitar
What you learn: Picking & Chords
Teacher: Michael Johnson

Michael: This interactive lesson will cover part 4 of Acoustic Folk Guitar. There are many variations of chords and picking patterns, this class will cover one classic picking pattern and use various chords used in the lesson sample, here's the sample of what you'll learn in this lesson:

Lesson Sample

Michael: Here's the first picking pattern:

Picking Pattern 1

We'll start with a standard open E chord for these samples.

Michael: Notice the position of the picking fingers:

Michael: You start with the thumb on the 6th string and 3rd finger on the 2nd string, picking at the same time:

Michael: Then you roll the 1st, 2nd, 3rd fingers on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd strings. Our next picking pattern is basically the same, but we start with the thumb on the 6th, 2nd finger/2nd string, 1st finger/3rd string, after this we'll go to the progression.

Picking 2

Michael: There's the basics, now let's move to the first chord pattern. This first pattern starts in E, E Maj 13, and then a E major that's higher up the neck.

Pattern 1

Michael: Here's the picture of the chords.

Michael: Here's a looping jam track to practice over:

Jam Track 1

Michael: Now we can go to A in this progression:

Pattern 2

Michael: These are cool sounding chords, you'll use the A, A6 with a sus4 and the A Maj9.

Michael: Here's the jam track:

Jam Track 2

Michael: Are any of you having any trouble with these chords?

nivu: I'm getting is slowly

Michael: Good, in the lesson sample audio I go back to PATTERN 1 in E after playing the last pattern after that I play C# Minor and F# Minor. They fit nicely into this progression:

Pattern 3

Michael: Here's the fingering pictures.

Michael: Here's the jam track:

Jam Track 3

Jam Track 3 (slower)

Michael: You can also alter the F#m by adding an ascending bass line on the 6th string:

Pattern 3 (F#)

The jam track is a little to fast, I'm just playing the chords to keep up.

Michael: Here's the last file with the change on the F#, I'll give you a slower jam track.

Jam Track 3b
Jam Track 3b (slower)
Michael: Now you can add a B with a descending bass line:

Pattern 4

Jam Track 4

Michael: See how it all fits together?

nivu: yes

Michael: Here's a jam track with the entire progression:

Jam Track (entire progression)

Michael: Now you can add an extra variation to parts of this progression:

Pattern 5

Michael: This last variation uses the A major add9 and a descending bass line a F# with a sus4, very nice sounding.

Michael: Notice how I use the thumb on the later chords, here's a jam track for the last progression:

Jam Track 5

Michael: See you all next lesson!

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