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Michael Johnson >> Santana style >>
Lesson Subject: Santana Style
What you learn: Licks & Scales
Teacher: Michael Johnson

Michael: This interactive lesson covers Santana's style on the Dorian mode. Here's a sample of some of the licks you will learn.

Let's jump right into the lesson.. Here's our first scale in the A Dorian mode.

Michael: Santana creates his unique sound by using this mode and the minor pentatonic scale, the scale has: A, B, C, D, E, F#, G, it's called the A Dorian, here's our first jam track:

Michael: Practice the scale I just sent over that file a few times, you can hear the Santana sound by using that mode. I'll break the scale down into licks, the progression goes A then to G, let's get started with the licks.

Ted: Should I play the scale over both A and G?

Michael: Yes Ted, the G is in the scale.

Ted: Is there another scale I should play for G?

Michael: You can but for now we'll focus on the A Dorian mode notice how the last lick climbs the bottom two strings of the scale pattern the video will illustrate the bending technique at the end of the lick.

Michael: Combining licks, runs and melodies together is the key to playing solos. The last lick I sent was a continuation of the first, so the second lick we continue up the scale pattern.

Michael: Notice this pattern uses the first notes of the lick the plays the scale pattern on the middle 2 strings. Also I use my 2nd and 3rd fingers to bend the note on the 3rd string.

Michael: The lick uses a hammer/pull-off on the 1st string.

Gdog: Hey boss aren't you playing the G MAJOR SCALE

Michael: You can use the G Major scale, it's relative to the A Dorian, but with the G Maj you won't create the Santana sound. Do the rest of you want me to give you the G Maj scale?

jarquiette: It would be nice to see the G Maj scale as it contrast A Dorian.

Michael: I think if you focus and learn this pattern you will create your own licks, sure you can use any of the "relative" scales they all share the same notes.

Chris: Can these patterns adapt anywhere on the fretboard or must it be on a set section?

Michael: Yes they do, you can play the Dorian mode pattern anywhere on the neck.

Gdog: Teacher, there isn't any difference in G Major than A Dorian, you are just starting on a note right?

Michael: Correct, it's the root note you start from, that crates the "mode" or "mood."

Ted: Starting, ending and focusing on the root note.

Michael: The rest of the notes creates the color.

jarquiette: So A dorian is the same as G maj except you start on A?

Michael: Yes jarquiette!

Carter: Are the intervals the different.

Michael: Yes they are Carter, that's what creates the unique color of each mode, on this lick I continued higher up the scale pattern, here's the notes used.

Michael: Notice the only difference between the 2 scales is the 6th note, the next lick uses the pattern on the 12th thru 15th frets.

Michael: This is actually the relative E Minor scale Pattern, here's the scale pattern for the E Minor/Aeolian mode.

Michael: I'll give you a new jam track to play over.

jim_d: The scale looks like Mixolydian minus the D.

Michael: The Mixolydian has a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, b7, try the two scales and the licks over this jam track.

jim_d: So it depends on the note you start on..... in your case E

Michael: Yes that decide the root for the scale, it's the intervals the follow that decide the mode.

Michael: This next lick you barre the 5th string and rake down the strings.

Michael: Here is a lick where you can use unison bends.

jim_d: Locrian works with this Latin jam as well!!!!

Michael: Here's a picture of me bending the second string while I hold the first string with the first finger, the tricky part is to match the tones.

Lancer: Do you bend both notes...?

jim_d: Do you bend both strings the same direction?

Michael: You only bend one string Jim, I only bend the 2nd string in this case.

Earl: What scale are we playing if we hit f natural?

Michael: You use the F# in the A Dorian mode, if you use F natural you will be playing in the A Minor/Aeolian mode. I like to jump back and forth between modes, just make sure they all share the same 1, 3, 5 notes.

MB: How does Carlos get his wonderful sustain?

Kevin: I think its the tube screamer MB

Michael: That's it for this lesson, see you next time!

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