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Teacher: Hello class, welcome to our lesson on
the style of Ry Cooder. In this lesson we will cover his rhythm guitar style,
even though
he is mainly known for his blues slide guitar work. We will cover Ry's slide
work in another lesson series that is related to this series called
Contemporary Blues Slide Guitarists. Notice the cool blues rhythm guitar parts
played underneath of the slide solos on the lesson sample:
Lesson Sample - Lowband - 1.2
Lesson Sample -
Highband - 4.2 Meg
Teacher: Notice the
rhythm guitar has some very interesting riffs that are based on the I, IV, V
blues progression. Let's get started! Our first riff uses various intervals
based in the key of G:
Part 1 - Riff 1
Part 1 - Riff 1
First take a look at the Maj 3rd interval that starts on the G. The root note is
on the 1st string (E) and the 3rd is on the 3rd string (G). This tab illustrates
the notes used out of the chord. G Major Chord
You might also recognize this interval in the song "Brown Eye Girl." Here's the
jam track:
Jam Track 1 - Lowband
In fact a lot of the notes used in this standard set of blues intervals are in
the song "Brown Eye Girl," only different. Later you jump up to the D Maj.
interval on the 10th fret and back into the first pattern. Notice the slides as
well in the 3rd bar. After this section you play various related chords to this
Part 1
- Riff 2
Part 1 - Riff
In this section you start with the Am, then a B (5th string/2nd fret) note
leading into the C Major and a hammer with the little finger on the 2nd string
(B)/ 3rd fret. Then you play G down the Em, using the D/F# as a transition note
between the two chords. Here's the jam
Looping Jam
Track 2 - Lowband
bart: what does
add9 mean?
Here's the scale C (1), D (2), E (3), F (4), G (5), A (6), B (7). The 2nd is
equal to 9, so in this chord you have an C, E, G and D which is the add9
bart: oh,
I see, thanks, I've always wondered.
Teacher: Bart a good CD-ROM to get by Riff
Interactive is "Understanding Chords," it helps you understand the formulas
used for building chords.
Teacher: For our next section of the lesson we
will use the key of E using a blues progression.
Part 2 - Riff
Part 2 - Riff
For the opening riff you use the 2nd box of the E Minor Pentatonic scale
E Minor
Pentatonic Scale Patterns Box 1 & 2
Here's the box patterns, I highlighted the notes used in the last riff. Now this
entire section is based on the E I, VI, V progression, only in this sample you
use riffs and intervals to make it sound more interesting. Here's the jam track
for Part 2 with the first part I just gave you and the next two
Looping Jam
Track 3 - Lowband
Teacher: Notice that
these riffs are based on the main chord structure of E7 (I), A7 (VI) and the B7
(V). I even add the C7 which it sound more interesting. This part has a
very cool lazy groove! Here's the section when you jump to A7.
Part 2 - Riff
Part 2 - Riff
Teacher: The first
thing I want you to notice is the difference in the starting scale pattern
before the A7. Remember in Part 2 - Riff 1 you start with the 2nd and 5th frets,
in this section you start with the 2nd and 4th frets. The scale leads you
into playing the A7 or the VI of the blues progression. You later jump back into
the E7 (I) of the progression. Now in the blues pattern we jump one half-step
higher to C7 and then back into the B7 (V) to make it sound more interesting.
Here's the riff.
Part 2 - Riff 3
Part 2 - Riff 3
Notice in the C7 we mute the 2nd string (B) and then slide the fingering up 1
whole-step and back, then you move to B7. The last 3 riffs are all the ones used
in the last jam track I gave you. You can also jam in the E Minor
Pentatonic/Blues scale as well. Here's a few patterns you can
E Minor Blues
Teacher: Now I would
like to add another blues riff you can try.
Part 3 - Riff
Teacher: Now this
riff is related but more upbeat! Here's the jam track.
Looping Jam
Track 4 - Lowband
Teacher: Well thanks
everybody, I look forward to seeing you at the next
Shockwave: Thanks Mike
bart: thank
you teacher
Teacher: Bye!
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