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Teacher: Welcome class to the lesson about
important guitar techniques. This lesson will focus on vibrato. Developing a
strong vibrato technique is very important to guitarists. Vibrato is important
in developing your own sound.
irene: B.B king does it great
Teacher: You bet Irene, can any of you think of
other guitarists who have a unique vibrato style.
steve vai
jimi hendrix
Teacher: Yes, Vai, Hendrix and BB King are great
examples. Let's go through the basic vibrato variations first and then we will
cover exercises and riffs later. Here's the basic
Part 1
- Basic Vibrato Down 1
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato Down 1
This is a basic vibrato where you bend downward. You can also bend upward as
Part 1 -
Basic Vibrato Up 1
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato Up 1
I usually vibrato downward, except on the 1st and 2nd strings. On the first
string you will often slide off the fretboard. Here's the other basic technique
using the 3rd finger.
Part 1 - Basic Vibrato 2
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato Down 1
You can vibrato upward as well. Here's bending upward.
Part 1 -
Basic Vibrato Up 2
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato Up 2
You can also vibrato intervals and chords as well, here's a few
Part 1 -
Basic Vibrato - Double-Stop
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato - Double-Stop
In this example you vibrato downward using a double-stop. Here's the same
technique using a triple-stop.
Part 1 - Basic Vibrato - Triple-Stop
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato - Triple-Stop
You can also vibrato on chords as well.
Part 1 - Basic Vibrato - Chords
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato - Chords
You can also vibrato on barre chords.
Part 1 - Basic Vibrato - Barre Chords
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato - Barre Chords
Some players vibrato playing sideways, like a violin
Part 1 -
Basic Vibrato Side 3
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato Side 3
wil: Like
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Teacher: Yes will, George Lynch uses this
technique as well. One very important technique to develop is the speed of the
vibrato. Here is 3 different
Part 1
- Basic Vibrato - Speed
Part 1 - Basic
Vibrato - Speed
A player like Eddie Van Halen will switch between slow and medium vibrato
speeds. B.B. King uses a very fast vibrato. You can also vibrato by bending
the string past the nut. This video will show an example.
Part 1 -
Basic Vibrato - Nut
Players like Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck use this technique. This technique will
not work if you have a locking nut with a tremolo bar system. Here are some
vibrato exercises.
Part 2 - Vibrato Exercise 1
Part 2 - Vibrato
Exercise 1
In this exercise you work on playing a vibrato on each finger. Notice the
you use 2 fingers when you vibrato using the 3rd and 4th fingers. The extra
finger gives you more support. Especially with the 4th finger. Here's another
Part 2 -
Vibrato Exercise 2
Part 2 - Vibrato
Exercise 2
In this example you ascend the string switching between the 1st and 3rd
fingerings playing a slow vibrato downward. You can also alter the speeds in
this exercise playing a medium and fast vibrato as well. Try all speeds.
You can also practice bending upwards as well.
Part 2 -
Vibrato Exercise 3
Part 2 - Vibrato
Exercise 3
In this example I start with a slow vibrato, and then switch to a fast vibrato.
This can make a solo sound more interesting. Next you will vibrato using
scales, here's the first exercise.
Part 3 - Scale Vibrato 1
Part 3 - Scale
Vibrato 1
In this exercise you ascend using the E Major scale, notice how the fingering
alters as you move up the fretboard. You can also use one finger as well. This
next exercise uses the A Minor Pentatonic scale.
Part 3 -
Scale Vibrato - A Min Pent 1
Part 3 - Scale
Vibrato - A Minor Pent 1
You can also practice using the A Minor scale.
Part 3 -
Scale Vibrato - A Minor
Part 3 - Scale
Vibrato - A Minor
The 3rd and 4th fingers use an additional finger to support the vibrato. Now
let's study a few riffs that feature
Part 4 -
Vibrato Riff 1
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 1
In this Hendrix style lick notice how the vibrato is used in specific places of
the phrase. In the first phrase you hammer, and then the vibrato helps
sustain the note. This technique is used at the end of the phrase as well.
Here's the next example.
Part 4 - Vibrato Riff 2
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 2
Notice how the vibrato accents the higher notes of the 1st bar. The vibrato is
used the sustain these notes as well.
Part 4 - Vibrato Riff 3
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 3
This ZZ Top style riff uses the same technique as example 1, but in this case
you use a double-stop over the hammer and vibrato. In the next example you will
vibrato using chords.
Part 4 - Vibrato Riff 4
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 4
In this Whitesnake style riff notice the slow vibrato using the F#5 chord.
Vibrato can help to sustain chords as well. In this next example you will
vibrato using double-stops.
Part 4 - Vibrato Riff 5
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 5
This is a very cool riff, notice how the vibrato makes the double-stops help
sustain the notes and stand out more. This riff might take some time to develop,
you actually vibrato downward. Using 2 fingers help from sliding off the
fretboard. Here's another example.
Part 4 - Vibrato Riff 6
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 6
In this Page example you save the vibrato for the very last note. This helps
sustain the lick for the next chord and lick. Here's the last
Part 4 -
Vibrato Riff 7
Part 4 - Vibrato
Riff 7
This B.B. King style lick uses a fast vibrato. Notice in the video how my hand
swings out and away from the neck. Well this concludes the lesson. I hope
you have a better understanding on how to develop you vibrato
Thank you very much!
dh: I enjoyed it thanks
Teacher: Keep practicing and see you next
Teacher: Thank you!
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