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Michael Johnson >> Country Rock Legends >>

Hello class and welcome to the lesson on Country Rock Legends. This lesson will cover part 2 on The Eagles style. The Eagles broke out of their more country rock style later in their career. Keeping the country rock influence however working in more main stream popular rock. You might notice the various rhythm styles in the lesson sample. Check out the licks you will learn.

Lesson Sample - Lowband - 1 Meg

Lesson Sample - Highband - 2 Meg

Teacher: To start off we will use a looping jam track and later play licks over this track.

Looping Jam Track 1 - Lowband

Teacher: The chords used are Bm, F#, Em, F#, G, D, F#.  Play along with the track a few times to get use to the pattern. Here's the chords and fingerings used in the jam track.

Looping Jam Track Chords

Teacher: Let's get started with the licks. Here's the first phrase..

Part 1 - Lick 1

Part 1 - Lick 1

Teacher: The chords have been posted. This lick uses the B Minor scale with a slight alternation using the Bb. The Bb helps gives the phrase more resolve when playing over the F# chord. Here's the B Minor scale with the Bb highlighted.

B Minor Scale w/Bb

Teacher: Playing a minor over a progression like this sounds very melodic. Try making up your own combinations using this scale. Here's the next phrase.

Part 1 - Lick 2

Part 1 - Lick 2

Teacher: This is an interesting combination of licks. You start by playing a descending Bm triad, and then in the next bar shift to a Bb dim triad. The next phrase uses various minor intervals played on the 1st and 2nd strings. The 6th bar jumps into the Bm pattern I gave you earlier, and then shifts into the B Minor Pentatonic which uses the same notes as the B Minor scale. Here's the 2 patterns.

B Minor & B Minor Pentatonic Scales

Teacher: You can see how the 2 patterns relate in this tab. Let's jump to the next phrase.

Part 1 - Lick 3

Part 1 - Lick 3

Teacher: This phrase has some pretty cool transitions. You start with a repeating lick theme in the 1st bar using the B Minor Pentatonic. Then next phrase shifts into the B Minor creating more of a melodic sound. Bars 5 & 6 use a ascending and descending run using the B Minor scale. Let's try another rhythm. This rhythm pattern uses Gm to Dm and back using C.

Looping Jam Track 2 - Lowband

Teacher: Here's the first lick you can play over this jam track.

Part 2 - Lick 1

Part 2 - Lick 1

Teacher: These licks use the G Minor Pentatonic scale, the first few bars use the 2nd box pattern of the G Minor Pentatonic. Here's the box patterns.

G Minor Pentatonic - Box Patterns 1 & 2

Teacher: I highlighted the 2nd box pattern so you can visualize how the 2 patterns relate. Also later in the lick you use double-stop notes that slide into the b5, giving a blues sound. Here's the next lick.

Part 2 - Lick 2

Part 2 - Lick 2

Teacher: Here's another example of using the double-stop notes, this time bending one half-step which raises the pitch to the b5 note. The lick stays mostly in box 1 of the G Minor Pentatonic Pattern, and then later shifting into the 2nd box pattern towards the end of the lick. Let's try another rhythm pattern using a new looping jam track. The rhythm uses a I, IV, V in E.

Looping Jam Track 3 - Lowband

Teacher: The chords used are E, A, E, B and then you modulate to the D and back to A. Basically the I, IV, V, but with a D added to make the progression sound a little more interesting. For the next few licks you will use the E Minor Pentatonic and later E Major Pentatonic. Here's the first lick.

Part 3 - Lick 1

Part 3 - Lick 1

Teacher: This is a pretty cool sounding lick! You start by playing the the 2nd box pattern of the E Minor Pentatonic, and then shift the a E Minor Blues using the 1st box position. Here's the 2 patterns.

E Minor Blues & E Minor Pentatonic 2nd Box Pattern

Teacher: You can see how the 2 patterns inter-relate, notice the Bb (A# on the interactive fretboard). Let's try another lick.

Part 3 - Lick 2

Part 3 - Lick 2

Teacher: This lick uses another combination of box 1 and 2 of the E Minor Pentatonic, however this time you use the octave positions. The lick in the last bar actually uses the E Major Pentatonic scale, giving more of a country rock sound. Here's the last lick.

Part 3 - Lick 3

Part 3 - Lick 3

Teacher: This lick actually starts in the E Major Pentatonic using half-step bends. Bars 3 & 4 jump back into the E Minor Pentatonic.

Teacher: Well time to go. See you next lesson!

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