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Lesson Jam
Track (Key of C)
Teacher: Hi
everyone. Tonight we're covering intervals.
Teacher: An interval is the
difference in pitch between any two notes. These notes could be played together
or one after the other.
Understanding intervals is key to understanding chord construction, scale
construction and ear training. They unlock harmony leads. They are great
source to make your playing more 'open' and less 'linear' . And you will create
your own chord voicings and even know what to call
Teacher: Go ahead
and load up the jam track. In the key of C tonight for all our
Track Chord Progression
Teacher: The progression is a simple 1 - 4 - 5 in our key of C. The
numbers in naming the progression refer to the intervals within the
C Major Scale - 7th
Teacher: Here is a
simple two-octave scale that works well over the progression. Run it and we'll
get our fingers warmed up.
Teacher: Here are a few ideas using intervals to
whet our appetite, then I will dig into a bit of the theory in this first lesson
in the series.
Intervallic Sequence
This riff uses a repeating interval sequence. Down a 2nd, down a 5th, and up a
4th. Staying 'diatonic' or within the
This is a typical riff harmonizing two notes, similar to what you might hear at
the beginning of 'Brown Eyed Girl". It follows the chord progression so play it
from the first bar.
Sixths Intervals Down the Neck
This riff uses a repeating interval through the scale, a
Teacher: Now to the names of the
Teacher: The construction of the scale on a
single string. A nice way to visualize the 'distances' we are
Major Scale
- Single String
We are naming the numerically naming the notes. The starting note, C, gets the
number '1', D is named '2' or '2nd', and so on. Up the scale to the '8th'
or octave.
Teacher: We will use these names from the Major
scale as our 'measuring stick' for the distance between two notes
Teacher: Play C to D and we have
a 2nd interval. C to E a 3rd interval and so on.
Teacher: Each interval will have
a certain 'quality'. Identify that and you powerful tool to learn licks by
C Major Scale -
One Octave in Position
Here is the same scale in a position. Same area of the neck is how we commonly
play and can see the most common interval shapes
Teacher: I learned the sound of
intervals by relating them to familiar
Teacher: a 2nd interval is the beginning of
'Happy Birthday' or 'You Really Got Me' by Van Halen
Teacher: 3rd, the beginning of 'When the Saints
Come Marching In'
Teacher: 4ths, 'Here Comes the
Teacher: 5ths, 'Star Wars'
Teacher: keep in mind these can and should be
played descending as well. Start on the 5th go to the
Teacher: What does that sound
Teacher: Flinstones theme? Or a foghorn.
Stratman: ring
of fire
Teacher: Or our friend the power
baker: thats a great way for
me to train my ear.
sr: yes it is
Diatonic Intervals
sr: what is M?
Teacher: 2nds and 7ths tend to sound somewhat
harsh or 'dissonant'. 5ths tend to be very strong and open. 3rds and 6ths
Teacher: M stands for Major. P for
C Major Scale -
1st 3 Strings
Teacher: The second
string, because of its tuning, changes the interval shapes slightly when the
patterns end or cross it.
Intervals on/across B
Really just the higher note is moved up a fret. The sound of the interval is the
Teacher: Now knowing our intervals of our major
scale will allow us to have a common reference for difference in
Teacher: Know your intervals and you can play a
kind of musical connect-the-dots.
Teacher: So the homework this week is first, to
play your major scales and find and name all the 5ths, 2nds etc. Try that with
the first tab example of the night. The root notes are
Teacher: Second to play the scale from root to
2nd, root to 3rd, root to 4th etc. And then back down the scale. Octave to root,
7th to root, etc.
Teacher: By doing these
two things I suggested will make intervals part of the way you hear and
Teacher: Tonight was heavy on the
theory. But I have to have this out there for later reference. Application of
the intervals comes fast and furious next lesson.
We should have lots to keep our fingers busy. Have an excellent week.
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