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Storm Stenvold >> Intervallic Guitar >>
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Teacher: Hi everyone. More 'Intervallic Guitar' tonight.

Lesson Jam Track

Teacher: To recap, we defined intervals as the distance between two notes. We name them using the major scale.

C Major Scale - Single String and in Position

Teacher: A little Latin flavor for the jam track tonight.

Teacher: The progression uses all chords with notes from the C major scale so it will work nicely for our examples.

Jam Track Chords

Teacher: Here are the chords for the progression

Teacher: Fret all five strings from the start. Use the right hand to bring out the different strings.

Teacher: So, back to our Major Scale example. Root note to the 2nd tone = 2nd interval. Root note to 3rd tone = 3rd interval. Etc.

Teacher: However, there are other intervals within the octave than are named by the Major scale.

Teacher: These are Chromatic intervals. By raising or lowering notes of the Major Scale we get these.

Teacher: Here are these pairs of notes.

Chromatic Intervals - Unison to Octave

Ralph: File stated it was corrupt. Played back fine, but on load there was a 'Tab File Corrupt' Error dialog

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Teacher: Now we can name all our distances within an octave. As the neck shows, usually we just say flat 5, sharp 4 (b5,#4).

Teacher: There are correct terms for these Chromatic intervals. Just as we say last week there are Major and Perfect intervals within the scale.

Teacher: These Chromatic intervals are Minor, Diminished and Augmented. They follow a naming convention.
Interval Naming

Teacher: If a Major intervals is lowered a 1/2 step it is then called Minor. ie: Major 3rd becomes Minor 3rd.

Teacher: Perfect and Major intervals raised a 1/2 step become Augmented. ie: Perfect 4th becomed Augmented 4th.

Teacher: Perfect or Minor intervals lowered a 1/2 step become Diminished. ie: Perfect 5th becomes Diminised 5th

Teacher: These intervals exist within the Major scale. For instance the distance between the 2nd note of the scale and the 4th is a Minor 3rd rather than a Major 3rd.

Teacher: This is important to work out as we will try some patterns and licks, trying to keep them 'in key'.

Diatonic vs. Parallel Intervals

Here are two interval approaches with 3rds. The first parent of the tab uses 3rds staying in the parent C major scale. Called 'Diatonic'

Teacher: I notice a mistake. 3rd pair in on the 3rd string should be 9th fret

Teacher: The second half uses the same interval of a Major 3rd throughout. Notice how this ends up adding notes outside of the scale as a result.

Parallel Intervals over Jam Track

Teacher: This would be called a Parallel interval approach

Teacher: Here are two samples over the jam track. Notice the difference in sound

Diatonic Intervals over Jam Track

Teacher: The Parallel tend to sound out, Diatonic more smooth and 'inside' or 'in Key'

Teacher: Because of this the rest of the example tonight will focus on keep our interval patterns diatonic.

Teacher: On a later lesson we will exploit the particular sound of parallel intervals.

C Major Scale - 8th Position with scale tones

Teacher: Here is a C major scale pattern for most of the licks that follow.

C Major Scale - 8th Position

Teacher: A very usable and popular sound is that of 3rd intervals.

Teacher: Here are melodic 3rd intervals worked ascending through this scale pattern.

3rd Intervals - Ascending

Teacher: The idea is starting on the root - play its 3rd interval. Next play the 2nd tone - play its 3rd interval. And so on up the scale.

Teacher: Is it clear how we got the pattern?

Teacher: Good.

Teacher: Here is the same pattern in the descending direction

Sound Clip 5

3rd Intervals - Descending

Teacher: These two would be the most common. Interval going up as the lick goes up. Interval going down as the lick goes down

Teacher: But try these other two as well. Interval going down as the melodic line goes up.

Descending Interval - Ascending Line

Teacher: And interval going up as the melodic line goes does down

Ascending Interval - Desceding Line

Teacher: Fourth intervals are particularly challeging to play because so many of the string changes use notes at the same fret as the previous note

4th Intervals - Ascending

4th Intervals

Teacher: I will add the videos for all the licks to the archive. Here is one for the fouths

Teacher: Try it as I showed with the 3rds. Descending - interval down, line up - interval up, line down

Teacher: Also try to work out these patterns 'up the neck' as well as 'across the neck'.

'5th's Lick' Ascending Neck

Teacher: Here is a lick using 5th intervals going up the neck.

Teacher: Notice its mix of ascending and descending 5ths as the line as a whole keeps going up.

'5th's Lick' Ascending Neck

Teacher: The same lick could be played across the neck, or in position.

'5th's Lick' Across Neck

Teacher: As the intervals get wider this makes for some interesting and difficult picking patterns.

Teacher: Great work if you think you can cruise through your Major scales with the metronome at maximum.

'5th's Lick' Across Neck

6th Intervals - Ascending

dom: lol, no chance

Teacher: All with practice. And the last pattern tonight is in 6th intervals.

Teacher: Very melodic to. Notice that a 3rd + a 6th gets you an octave. This relationship names them as inverted intervals

Teacher: The will share a similar sound. 4th + 5ths the same. As are 2nd + 7th intervals.

6th Intervals

Teacher: Lots of work here. I'll leave to you guys to explore the 7th interval and octave patterns

Teacher: Have a great week. Maybe some application of intervals to our chord work and rhythm guitar next time

dom: yes, I will review it all again

Ron: thanks for the lesson

bart: thanks teacher, good lesson

Teacher: You're welcome

bart: I learned a lot today

Stratman: thanks

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