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Storm Stenvold >> Intervallic Guitar >>
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Teacher: Hi guys. Thanks for tuning in the live lesson

Stratman: hello

boom: HI

velvet: hi teacher

Teacher: More interval work tonight

Teacher: A couple of different takes from a chord player's perspective

Lesson Jam Track

Teacher: We'll look at "Chord Scales" and "Interval Stacks"

Teacher: A jam track should arrive any second. Our backdrop for tonight's ideas

Teacher: This modal 'vamp' outlines a static Bm7 chord.

wc: hey yall

ralph: nice sounding groove

Teacher: Hey wc. This is sort the non-chord progression. One chord

Teacher: Can be fun for soloing. But how to make it fun to play rhythm guitar? With the magic of intervals of course!


Teacher: Here is a quick tab of the bassline

Teacher: And a tab of the mode, or scale, that fits. The B Dorian mode. Same notes as the A major scale

B Dorian Mode'

ralph: what are you using to outline the bassline(instrument)

Teacher: Bass plays the bassline. We're getting to the gutiar chords now.

Teacher: Or guitar chords. ;)

Teacher: the most fundamental use of intervals in chords is in chord construction.

Teacher: In this case the appropriate chord for this one chord vamp is a Bm or Bm7 chord.

Bm + Bm7 Chord

Teacher: The Bm chord is constructed with the 1st, 3rd and 5th note of the minor scale.

Teacher: The Bm7 chord stacks the 7th note on top of this three note minor 'triad'

Teacher: To provide a more interesting rhythm part let's explore 'chord scales'.

Teacher: To create the chord scale, we will take the scale for the chord we are playing and form a chord under each interval of the scale

velvet: is a chord scale the same as an arpeggio?

Teacher: In this case the B dorian (A major)

Teacher: An arpeggio is a 'broken chord'. Playing the notes seperately rather than strummed together

B Dorian Mode along 1st string

Teacher: Now we will put a Bm chord under each note.

B Dorian Chord Scale

Teacher: Here is an example of how you could use these to create a 'melodic' rhythm part

Chord Scale Riff

Teacher: You could use this idea to harmonize the melody of a tune.

Teacher: You can use it also to follow or answer the direction of the soloist as they head up or down

Teacher: Mainly it give your rhythm parts greater melodic variety

Teacher: The example riff starts in the 9th position and works down the scale

Teacher: Other voicings are possible. Continue to explore this 'top down' approach

Teacher: We will look at interval stacks.

Teacher: A chord is simply a stack of its composite intervals. Our most common chords use stacks of 3rds

Teacher: This gives us our typical major and minor chords.

Key of A Hamonized Triads

Teacher: Here in the key of A major are your common triads kept within the key, harmonized or 'diatonic'

Teacher: Notice how these voicings could be used along the last idea of chord scales. A common move used by funk and R&B players.

velvet: it's hard to keep track of all these

Stratman: is that a mistake on that last chord?

Teacher: Are the voicings new perhaps

velvet: just all these notes

Teacher: Could be, I'm looking now. Sometimes the midi guitar tracks funny on chords up the neck.

Teacher: Yes should be 14-14-12, thanks

Stratman: ok

Teacher: Find your Bm chord for tonights progression. That is home base. Then try to explore a bit. Come back. Explore more

Teacher: Using these ideas will take you out on a limb. If that limb is about to break, jump back to your 'home' B minor chord

velvet: ok, that's a good idea

Teacher: The interval stacking idea says why use just 3rds. How about, for tonight's fusion jam, some 4th intervals.

4ths Interval Stacks

Teacher: More angular and modern sounding. The interval stack from the starting note is all 4ths.

Teacher: Fit to the scale as the notes move up.

ralph: very open miles sound

4th+2nd Interval Stack

Teacher: Horn and piano players in jazz like those a lot

Teacher: Here is another interval stack, a 4th+2nd. Taken up through the mode

ralph: alot of tension

Teacher: 2nds are dissonant. Especially those 1/2 step minor 2nds. Use you judgment

Teacher: If the soloist starts shooting you dirty looks, back off

ralph: is the secret to go back and forth between stacks of 3rds and 4ths

Teacher: It is completely open season. You can stack larger intervals like 6ths and 7ths too

ralph: very cool

Teacher: Here is one more of 2nd+5th. Another 2nd but since it is not on top a little more consonant to me

2nd+5th Interval Stack

ralph: true

Teacher: Have fun. The underlying idea of both of tonight's ideas is to create melodic, interesting backing parts with our intervals

Teacher: Have a great week everyone

ralph: I enjoyed it

Stratman: you too

velvet: thanks

Teacher: My pleasure

ralph: great vamp

ralph: you recorded it with a midi guitar

Teacher: Real guitar, real bass

Teacher: My preference, for sure

Teacher: Got to go.

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