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Lesson Subject:
Jeff Beck Style |
What you learn:
Part III |
Storm Stenvold |
Lesson Sample
Looping Jam
Storm: Hey everyone. More Jeff Beck Style on
our plate tonight. Well look at Jeff's finger-picking
style in this lesson and explore his use of whammy bar. Beck uses a combination of left hand
bends and vibrato bar moves to give a faux-slide sound. Pretty
cool. The backing track is in C minor.
Cm7-Bb6/9-F9 chord progression.

Storm: Here is picture of the left
hand. All of tonight examples are performed
without a pick. To sound these chords you could use
either a sweep of the thumb or the thumb on the bass notes and finger per string
for the remaining notes. I even grabbed the high string with the
pinky finger of the right hand for the
Cm7. The opening 'melody' uses two note pairs
or 'double-stops'.
Lick 1
'Third intervals' along the B and G strings are repeated in a descending
pattern. Four times each a little different as Beck might treat a repeating
phrase. The first time just plain. I'm using my
thumb and index finger for picking the 3rd and 2nd string respectively.
The second repeat sliding into each phrase, the first two pairs with ascending
slides the last with a descending slide. The fingering for the second half is up
to your interpretation. I attack the last slide with the left hand 3rd
finger. The same notes in the next example with
more types of articulations.
Lick 2
The first bar uses a double-stop bend to reach the first notes, releasing. Then
moving down a half-step to bend-release-slide. The second uses bar dips when hitting
the notes, releasing upward for the 'slide' sound.
Another nice choice is the C Dorian Mode, same notes as Bb
The next lick moves us down to first position.
This one is repeat with Beck-isms. Snapping the string against the fretboard by
grabbing between the index finger and
String 'snapping'

Storm: Lots us grace note slides, pull-offs.
Also a gnarly whole step bend at the first fret. A lot of string tension on that
Here is a typical whole step bend from the blues scale made less typical by
adding the vibrato with the whammy bar.
Lick 5
The next phrase shows another way Jeff might develop a phrase. A repeating lick
that on the first two times uses finger vibrato. The next two the vibrato
bar. And a typical blues phrase made less
typical by the whammy bar dive at the
Storm: The next phrase is another 'slide' sounding phrase. The use of the bar drops the note a
half-step then returns slowly to pitch. This would work nicely down 3 frets for
a C major chord.
Storm: I'll leave you with another vibrato
double-stop lick as well.
Any wisdom for those of us whose guitars go out of tune when used this way? Or
should we take that up with our luthier?
Storm: Beck uses a roller nut and very heavy
strings. I must go. Thanks for coming guys and have
thank YOU
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