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Joe Pass Bio |
Joe Pass (1929-1994) has been rightfully called "the president of bebop
guitar." His efforts represented a gigantic step forward in the evolution of the
instrument. With Pass the fluid lines and advanced harmonic concepts of sax players like
Charlie Parker and John Coltrane as well as pianists such as Oscar Peterson, Art Tatum and
Bill Evans crystallized into a powerful and potent guitar approach. Early in his career he
was the consummate bop musician, astonishing listeners with fleet and innovative
single-note melodies. By the end of his life the virtuoso had carved out his own unique
musical niche, improvised jazz guitar as chamber music, with a breathtakingly beautiful
solo guitar style.
Joe Pass with Gibson ES 175D

The Joe Pass Sound
Joe Pass, "Django 1"
Joe Pass, "Django 2"
 Joe Pass Guitar Style. Written by Joe Pass
and Bill Thrasher.
Joe Pass Guitar Solos. By Joe Pass.
Joe Pass Chord Solos. By Joe Pass.
Joe Pass Guitar ChordsBook 1. By Joe
All from Gwyn Publishing Company.
These books from the early 1970s are
definitive documents of Pass guitar style. Guitar Solos concentrates on many
of his superb Pacific Jazz single-note solos including "Django,"
"C.E.D.," "Forward Pass," and "What A Shame." Guitar Chords
and Guitar Style are tutorial volumes which shed light on Joes approach to harmony
and improvising. Chord Solos is a fine collection of Pass Virtuoso-style
chord-melody pieces.
Jazz Duets. By Joe Pass and Herb Ellis.
Gwyn Publishing Co.
This interesting book from 1973 features
two-part jazz counterpoint pieces from the Joe Pass-Herb Ellis pairing.
 Joe Pass - The Best of Joe Pass
Pacific Jazz 7243 8 54944 2 0
A superb 1997 collection of Pass
earliest recorded work from the Pacific Jazz period, 1961-1964. Especially worth checking
out are the cuts from Sounds of Synanon, Catch Me and For Django. Perhaps Pacific Jazz
will see fit to release these three albums in their entirety.
Joe Pass - Joy Spring
Pacific Jazz 7243 8 35222 2 4
A wonderful and rare live bebop set from the
For Django period of 1964. This 1995 reissue is currently the only available live
recording of early Joe Pass; which makes it worth owning for that reason alone.
Virtuoso, Virtuoso-Vol.2, Virtuoso-Vol.4 and
All on Pablo Records
Appropriately named, these solo performances
defined the improvised chamber music of Pass jazz style.