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Wolf Marshall >> Golden Age of Guitar Instrumentals >>

Golden Age of Guitar Instrumentals - Friday - Week 1

The Roots
Today's lick contains many laudable features. Played in G with a shuffle feel, this cruising jump blues phrase hints at the rock and roll styles to follow in the 1950s. The opening part with its string bend and repeated D note is a seminal form of a classic Chuck Berry unison-bend riff. Berry would use this figure as a thematic riff in his solo style. Note that the bends in this lick, and others from the era, are usually of the half-step type. This was often due to use of heavier strings with a wound third string which were the norm in T-Bone's early days. The opening figure is followed by a sequential horn-like line which winds down the G Minor Pentatonic scale. Note the ladder-like movement of this section of the melody. This lick ends with an immortal blues motif which has been used by practically every blues guitarist since, often in the all-important turnarounds of the music. Check out the half-step string bend, the interval skips (down a fourth: C to G and down a sixth: B flat to D), and the decisive concluding rhythm in this part of the lick. These qualities make for a must-know lick in any genre.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: G

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