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► British Art Rock Michael Johnson Lesson Archives
If you are interested in expanding your musical horizon, this is the series for you! You'll experience how to play in the style of British Art Rock bands like Yes (Steve Howe), Jethro Tull (Martin Barre), Genesis (Steve Hackett, Mike Rutherford), King Crimson (Robert Fripp), and UK (Alan Holdsworth). All of these artists have made a significant impact on modern guitar. You will learn how to layer simple and complex guitar lines in an multi-instrument composition, how to use both electric and acoustic guitar within a song, learn intermediate to advanced solo techniques and how to understand and write songs with multiple musical segments. This lesson series is designed for the Intermediate and Advanced guitar students, but there are many licks that can be played by beginning students who have been playing for a year or more.

British Art Rock bands emerged in the later part of the British Invasion ('60s & '70s), these bends strived to elevate rock music to new levels through artistic expression, and more oriented toward classically and jazz trained instrumental technique. Art rock is more experimental placing more emphasis on layering instruments and advanced solo techniques. The guitar played a very significant role in these compositions and in the over-all sound of the band.
Yes (Steve Howe) style
Jethro Tull (Martin Barre) style
Genesis (Steve Hackett) style
King Crimson (Robert Fripp) style
UK - Alan Holdsworth style
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