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Don Mock >> Jazz Connection >>

Jazz Connection - Thursday - Week 3

Jazz legends Johnny Smith and Hank Garland inspired today' s lick. It's a II-V-I melody in the key of C and uses an Dm7 arpeggio followed by an F min/maj7 arpeggio in the first bar. Over the V chord (G7) the line shifts to Ab melodic minor before resolving to C. I alternate pick all the notes, however lines like this can be played with effects such as sweeps, slides and pull-off's. Practice the line over the jam track (Dm7-G7-Cmaj7) Make up your own ideas when you reach the Cmaj7 using the C major and C pentatonic scales. Refer to my intro text if you don't know the jazz-blues progression.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: C Major
Video: lick picking

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