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Don Mock >> Jazz Connection >>

Jazz Connection - Wednesday - Week 5

Today's lick is an ascending E harmonic minor line for B7. It uses several chromatic passing notes which serve to target the B7 chord tones. This line is best used over a B7 that is resolving to Em. Modern jazz/fusion players might, however, play a line like this over a static B7 vamp to create an "outside" effect. I am using alternate (up and down) picking. Be sure to move the lick to other keys. In fact, slide it up to the 12th fret, E7 (A harmonic minor), and play it over the Jam track which is Bm7b5-E7-Am7. The lick works great over either the Bm7b5 or E7. When you get to the Am7, improvise your own ideas using a C or G major scale.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick off
Key: A Minor

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