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Jerry Miller >> Psychedelic 60s >>

Jerry Miller: Hey class, here's a picture of me and my son check out the sample and we'll get going

irene: does your son play guitar too

Jerry Miller: a little bit, he plays the piano and drums mainly, here's a little sample of the lesson tonight:

Jerry Miller: here's a jam track to get started

Jerry Miller: this song is called "Swingin at the Greasy Spoon" it's off my first CD called "Life is Like That" load that track and we'll jam, try these chords:

Jerry Miller: I'll send you pictures of the chord progression, here's the a G7 with the B in the bass

Jerry Miller: Bb dim with the root in the bass

David: should i be working my pinky on that 6th string or my thumb?

Jerry Miller: you can use the tab for the other fingerings, have you used any of these chords before?

Tim: not the 1st one

Jerry Miller: this is kind of a tab dance number,  it's basically the head of a blues or swing blues, with a be bop feel The last chord was the G13

Shannon: What does a G13 look like?

Jerry Miller: here's the G13 fingering

Jerry Miller: you use this chord in jazz and blues, it's a very cool voicing, here's the next tab

Jerry Miller: this time you continue the progression down by moving the G13 down a half step at a time make sure you practice to the jam track

John: Is it ok to play the 6th string with your thumb or will that get me in trouble later on?

Jerry Miller: you can use the thumb, if it feels good to you then carry on, Hendrix does, what do you guys think about the last progression? all chords

JoeyC: great changes to learn voice movement

Jerry Miller: you can see all of the positions on the virtual guitar neck

David: this stuff reminds me of my Micky Baker books

Jerry Miller: I got some of this stuff from Mickey, here's our first lick

Jerry Miller: here's a take off you can play after the first time through on the progression, you can play it on the break of the jam track

Doug: refresh my short memory, what's the opening chord?

Jerry Miller: the first chord is the G13, notice the hammer/pull-off and the chromatic runs, it gives a jazzier feel

Shannon: whats a pull-off? i know what a hammer is....

Jerry Miller: a pull-off is the opposite

Doug: I just need to build speed on the hammer/pull-offs, I tend to fumble

Jerry Miller: it gets easier as you go along

John: finger memory.. need much more finger memory..:)

chris: any reason why there's no fifth in that g13?

  Jerry Miller: that's a good question

chris: if you barre you could do it

Jerry Miller: the 5th is usually the note you can leave out it sounds nice in 13th chords

Ryan: How would you mute 5th string then

chris: because of the 13th (6th)?

Jerry Miller: for extended chords it usually works out to drop the 3rd or 5th notes, I barely touch the string to mute it, it's a common jazz technique

Kindly: the 5th is usually omitted in 9,11,13 chords

Jerry Miller: I'll send you a picture

Ryan: It always amazes me to see guitarists going crazy with the strumming hand and only getting one string to sound at a time.

Jerry Miller: most of these chords use the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th strings, kind of a Johnny Smith style, the last lick I use in the transition of the chord progression, it's the C major pentatonic, then raise one half step, then catches the Bb diminished, try playing it to the jam track

Jerry Miller: this is a A maj to a A min with the 3rds in the bass, seeing the patterns on the fretboard really helps the last 2 chords are actually the common dom 9 chord, but I don't pick the 5th string, notice the hand position on the first arpeggios

chris: when you say "it raises one half step," do you mean it turns into c# pentatonic

Jerry Miller: Chris, good question that actually moves up to the C# diminished I'll send you the scale

Jerry Miller: it's a cool scale for transitions in a chord pattern

irene: how do you know when it a whole or half step.

Kindly: 1 fret vs 2 frets

chris: wholestep = 2 frets and halfstep = 1 fret

Jerry Miller: I'll send you a tab example of the difference between the two

Kindly: Hey, where was the moby grape exhibit at the EMP!

Jerry Miller: I was in the NW Passage section in the band The Frantics, it was cool to see some of the old bands around who played the Seattle circuit, the last phase of the Frantics turned into Moby Grape

Kindly: did you ever jam with any of the beatles?

Jerry Miller: I never did, I use to jam with..... Albert Collins, Albert King, Jerry Garcia..................

Kindly: albert collins uses that weird 2-finger picking technique

PhilAnderor: Jimi Hendrix?

Jerry Miller: backstage with Hendrix, Sam Andrew, Harvey Mandel..........

PhilAnderor: Monteray?

ken: didn't Moby Grape do a song Hey Grandmaw

Jerry Miller: yes Ken

Kindly: Sam Andrew? (uh, who is that?)

Jerry Miller: Sam was with Big Brother Holding Co., you know Janis Joplin's band

PhilAnderor: Harvey was playin' in a dive in Fla. in '88

chris: i have an off-topic question: do pentatonic scales have modes like diatonic scales. if so, what are they called?

Jerry Miller: the pentationic scale position are broken into 5 patterns, but I don't think they describe them as modes as far as I know

ken: the g7/b seems hard on a classical neck,

Jerry Miller: I bet ken, a classical guitar has a big neck, I still use my old L5 I named Beulah, it's my baby for 40 years, I don't have it with me but' I'll look for a picture here

PhilAnderor: I saw you play it at John Chesleigh's in '79

Jerry Miller: oh Phil, that was in the Santa Cruz mountains

PhilAnderor: yeah Skip brought me there

Jerry Miller: my main man Skippy, thanks everybody, it was a pleasure being here!!!

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