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Lyle Ronglien >> Riffs You can Use >>

Riffs You can Use - Part 18

Lyle: americans found something to drink to

Support: you don't have to play somewhere?

Lyle: Here's a chord progression built in the key of E major.

Lyle: Here's a jam track for this progression:

Lyle: In the lesson sample I played a solo using the E major scale:

Lyle: Since we are in the key of E major, the relative minor is C#m. Playing the C# minor pentatonic scale gives you a cool sound against the E major chord progression:

Lyle: Most of the solo uses the C# minor pentatonic. At the end of the solo, the Emajor scale is used for more melody:

Lyle: did i miss your question phil?

Phil: aren't C# minor and E major the same?

Lyle: Yes, they are made from the same notes. C#m is the relative minor of E major.

Phil: why do you differentiate them in your previous comment?

Lyle: The minor pentatonic has only 5 tones in it, the major scale has 7 tones. The C# relative minor has 7 tones in it.

Phil: ok, got it

Phil: I see that in the guitar neck

Lyle: good

Lyle: That's about all on this riff. I just wanted you to see and hear the difference and use of the minor pentatonic against the major key.

Phil: great, thanks

Lyle: I don't think I'll be here next Monday. I have a rehearsal with a band for a gig in San Diego the following weekend. So I'll be back here in two weeks from tonight.

Lyle: Have a good night and see you again in two weeks.

MiVidaLoca: thank you

Lyle: welcome

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