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Lyle Ronglien >> Blues Guitar for Beginners >>

Blues Guitar For Beginners

Lesson 3

Jam Track MP3 With Lead Guitar

Lyle: Welcome class! This lesson will help you learn and play a blues rhythm progression in the key of E.

Lyle: You'll be learning to play another 12 bar blues jam. You can use an acoustic or electric guitar. First learn this main rhythm riff based off the E power chord:

rhythm riff 1

Lyle: Keep you index finger down. You don't need to lift it up. Watch video clip:

rhythm riff 1

Lyle: Any questions about that riff?

Bob: Pretty straight forward.

Lyle: Yes. Make sure just the 6th and 5th strings are being played, and hold your index finger down.

Lyle: You'll be using that riff for the E or E7 chord during the chord progression. Next is the same riff moved over or down one string. You'll use this riff in place of the A or A7 chord:

rhythm riff 2

rhythm riff 2

Lyle: Another section of the blues progression has you playing a B7 to A7 chord. These are the IV and V chords in the key of E.

rhythm riff 3

rhythm riff 3

Lyle: You're almost ready to learn the whole progression. Just one more riff to learn.

Lyle: This is the "turnaround" riff. The turnaround takes you from the end of one verse to the beginning of the next. It will typically end on a V7-chord, which will be resolved by the I-chord at the beginning of the next verse.



Lyle: Here's what this 12 bar blues progression looks like once you put all the riffs in the right place:

chord progression

full progression

full progression

paul2: Do you have a jam track to play against?

Lyle: Yes. Here are a few different jam tracks for you to play along with.

Jam Track in E - Drums and Bass

Jam Track in E - With Guitars

Lyle: Those two jam tracks will be played in the looping jam track player. Here's a jam track that will play in the other media player. It has me improvising lead guitar over the drums, bass, and acoustic guitar which is doing your rhythm part, same clip that I used at the top of this lesson:

Jam Track MP3 With Lead Guitar

Lyle: Here's the chord chart again which might help you stay on track with the changes:

chord progression

Kadow: What scales are you using when improvising, I might of missed it?

Lyle: I didn't talk about scales or lead riffs, but you can use the E minor pentatonic. This lesson introduces a way to play a rhythm guitar part for a standard 12 bar blues in E. The next lesson will help you play a solo or two using simple blues riffs for this same jam.

Lyle: Once you know how to play a 12 bar blues jam in E, you can go to twelve different bars and jam.   ;-)

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. I hope you're able to play the rhythm riff perfectly along with any of the jam tracks. Next lesson you'll learn some cool blues riffs and a solo to go along with this jam in E.

Lyle: Have fun jammin' and stay tuned!

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