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Part 10 - Rhythm Riffs
Lyle: I want to show you a few rhythm riffs that
you can use for basic major chords.
Lyle: These rhythm riffs are for basic major
chords. The first one I'll show you is in E major. The notes for the chord come
from the E major triad, E, G#, and B.
Lyle: First, check out this E major pentatonic
scale pattern, because the chord shape I'll show you comes from this
Here's the E chord. The hard part is getting all the notes to ring
Start with a down stroke, then hammer-on, then up stroke the 3rd and 4th strings
while the 5th string still rings.
Lyle: The 4th string is the hard one to keep
ringing. Make sure all three strings ring clearly. Use a clean amp setting to
help you hear better.
Lyle: You can do the same rhythm riff for any
major chord up and down the neck. Here it is for A major:
Two frets higher than A is the B:
The E, A, and B are the 1 - 4- 5 chords in the key of E. You can play them
together in a progression like this:
Here's a jam track you can try this progression with:
zz: I like how
it leaves you fingers in position to improvise.
Lyle: Yes, this chord shape puts your hard in
position to play riffs from the major pentatonic scale.
Lyle: Here's another way to play the A and B
chords. You'll be using the 6th, 5th, and 4th strings:
And here's a different way to play the A and B chords:
Here's a video of me playing all three rhythm progressions against the jam
zz: Can we
throw some minors to spice it up?
Lyle: If you want, you can call these chords the
relative minors of E, A, and B.
Lyle: The E is like a C#m, the A is like a F#m,
and the B is like a G#m.
Lyle: Here's a jam track with the bass guitar
notes going from C# to F# to G# to F#. Don't change with you play, just play the
same chord shapes.
Lyle: By
playing those chord shapes along to the C#m jam track you get minor sounding
zz: good
Lyle: That's all for this lesson. Thanks and see
you again soon!
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