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Lyle Ronglien >> Jam Sessions - All Blues Styles >>

Jam Sessions - All Blues Styles

Lesson 3 - Blues Shuffle in A

Lesson Sample

Lyle: This lesson will show you ways to play and jam a blues progression in A. The basic blues progression has 12 measures or bars. Each bar has 4 beats:

chord chart

Lyle: Here's your looping jam track you'll be jamming to:

Jam Track - Blues Shuffle in A

Lyle: First you'll learn a couple ways to play the rhythm guitar to this jam. Here's the chords I suggest you use:



Lyle: Here's how I'd like you to learn to play these chords with the jam track:

rhythm riff

Lyle: Try using a plain clean sound for this rhythm riff. Here's a close up video clip of this strum pattern:

strum pattern

Lyle: Here's a video for the strumming pattern for the whole progression using the pattern from above:

rhythm riff

Dave: What kind of guitar is that you're playing in the strum pattern video?

Lyle: Brian Moore Custom i9.5

Lyle: Another cool rhythm riff to use is made from riffs not chords at all. Here's where you'll play each riff for the three different chords:

rhythm riff 2

Lyle: I suggest using the bridge pickup and a fair amount of overdrive. You don't need to add effects. Here's how it all goes against the progression:

rhythm riff 3

rhythm riff 3

Lyle: You can use an acoustic or electric guitar for the rhythm riffs with this jam.

Lyle: Since the chords in the jam are dominant chords, not minor, then the Major pentatonic scale in A would be a great choice of scale to use when improvising.

Amaj pentatonic

Lyle: Learn this scale and try playing it against the jam track, you'll hear how nice it sounds with the jam.

Lyle: When playing the blues in any key, major, dominant, or minor, the minor pentatonic scale almost always works good when improvising.

Lyle: Here is a solo I made from the A major and minor pentatonics combined:



Lyle: In this solo example I use the A major pentatonic for everything but the "4" chord, D. The 4 chord is a great place to switch to the minor pentatonic when you are using the major pent. Why? - Examine the A and A7 chord, it has a C# which is a major third, found in the major pentatonic scale as well. When you go to the "4" chord like a D7, the C# turns into a C natural, (the b7 in the D7 chord). The C natural is in the A minor pentatonic. A subtle, yet big difference when looking to be a little extra melodic with simple blues riffs.

Lyle: Look at the chord chart again and you'll see I've made note of this:

chord chart

Lyle: The main thing for you to work on is the rhythm guitar part for this jam. Being able to play a good rhythm groove is most important. Then learn to noodle around with the scales and riffs for extra fun.

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. Have fun jammin'!

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