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Jam Sessions -
All Blues Styles
Lesson 10 - Blues Shuffle In E
Lesson Sample
In the last lesson you learned a Blues Shuffle in G. Let's transpose what you
learned to the key of E, down three frets. Here's your new jam track and chord
jam track -
Blues Shuffle in E

Lyle: You'll use the 1 - 4 - 5 chords in E for
this jam. Here's a way I suggest you learn to play them:

Lyle: These are open position
dominant chords. The B7 was a tough one for me when I was a beginner.
Terry:'s a great sounding chord, down low on
the neck which allows you to play a B7 without having to do a bar
Lyle: Try setting your
electric to either a clean or slightly overdriven sound, a vintage
Lyle: If you're going to learn to jam, you have
to learn and practice playing a good rhythm riff. Here's rhythm riff 1 using the
same muted up strum technique as you learned in Lesson
rhythm riff 1
in E
rhythm riff
Now try playing rhythm riff 1 along to the looping jam
Lyle: Here's the other rhythm riff pattern to try
in this new key:
rhythm riff 2
rhythm riff 2 in
Alternate up and down strokes ?
Lyle: All down strokes for rhythm riff
Ready to learn a couple solos I made for this jam track?
Heck yea!
Lyle: For a blues in E jam like you have here,
the E major pentatonic and E minor pentatonic scales are your best choices of
scales to use while improvising:
Emaj pentatonic
Here's is the popular E minor
Lyle: I like to use a combination of the major
and minor pentatonic scale. Here's Lyle's modified pentatonic
modified E
blues scale
Play the TAB back so you can see it on the virtual neck.
Lyle: This is a scale pattern I use to improvise
with. It is a combination of the E minor and major pentatonic scales with the
added flat 5 from the minor blues scale.
Lyle: Check out this solo and you'll see the
scale in action. Playback the TAB for the solo and you'll see how the notes from
the scale are used, or abused....
solo 1
solo 1
blaise: What
kind of amp are you running out of?
Lyle: For this lesson I used a Rocktron Voodu Valve preamp direct into the
pc soundcard.
Lyle: Here's another solo that starts out using
the E major pentatonic, then the modified blues scale, then it follows the
chords B to A to E at the end:
solo 2
solo 2
Here's another solo that starts off with an ascending riff I like to do then it
drops into the modified blues scale:
solo 3
solo 3
Now you can pick and choose which lead riffs you like and try building your own
solo. You should have a fair amount of stuff you can jam with
Lyle: See you at the next
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