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Jam Sessions - Rock
Style II
Lesson 7 - Jam in C#m
This lesson has a simple rhythm riff in C#. I'll show you how to play it and
then teach you a few scales to improvise with against the jam track. Then you'll
learn a solo to practice.
Lyle: Here's your jam track in C#m:
Here's the rhythm guitar riff in the jam track:
Just a simple repeating riff with a heavy palm mute and muted scratching.
Use your bridge pickup with a heavy distortion.
Lyle: To help you get started jamming, try
learning the C# Dorian minor scale and play it against this jam.
Listen to the TAB file for the C# Dorian minor and you'll hear how melodic it
can sound with the jam track.
Lyle: Of course you can always play the popular
C# minor pentatonic scale too over this jam.
Lyle: Now that you have a few scale patterns to
use for improvising, I'd like to show you how to play the lead parts from the
lesson sample. Here's riff 1 which is from the C# Dorian minor scale. This uses
unison bends to make a fatter tone:
write: Lyle not
sure I understand why B Major works here when the minor is relative to E
Although B and E share most of the same notes.
Lyle: The reason I use the B major scale at the
end of the scale TAB is to show you how thinking in terms of what modes you can
use can help. B major scale is the I scale in the key of B major, C# Dorian is
the ii scale/mode in the key of B major.
write: In
Aeolian the half steps are between 2 and 3 and 5 and 6. In Dorian the half steps
are between 2 and 3 and 6 and 7. Is that correct.
Lyle: Yes that's right.
I'm getting there.
Lyle: You can set the TAB to auto-loop to help
you memorize the riff.
Lyle: Riff 2 uses this C# Dorian
Lyle: I
like using the Dorian minor whenever I get the chance. It has a funkier sound to
it than the natural minor.
Lyle: Here's the riff using this C# Dorian
Lyle: The next riff from the lesson sample is
made from the C# minor blues scale:
radica: riff 3
is killer
radica: What
does PM stand for on the tab?
Lyle: p.m. = palm mute.
Mike: For
a blues scale, riff 3 with the rhythm sounds almost like metal. Speed up the
scale and there you go
The 4th and final riff from the lesson sample is real simple. It uses the root
and 7th degree from the B major scale:
Put all 4 riffs together and you have what's being played in the lesson sample.
I try not to make real fast riffs or anything too crazy. I just want to give you
a good jam track that might inspire you to practice with and work on playing
riffs and scales and explore some theory.
Lyle: Next lesson I'll show you more modal riffs
to play against this jam track.
Lyle: Everything is a mode of
that how you approach your playing all the time?
Lyle: No, I don't think so. I try to go off
familiar patterns, major or minor, then narrow it down to what works
Lyle: I try to use my ears first, brain
BigDee: So
with Dorian you really want to play around with the 6 and flat 7 to accent the
Dorian modality? Compared to the flat 6 of the Aeolian with the flat 3 in common
with the two modes.
Lyle: That is correct.
Good time to take a break. See you again soon!
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