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Lyle Ronglien >> Jazz Guitar for Beginners >>

Jazz Guitar For Beginners

Lesson 2

Lyle: Good evening class! How did everyone do with all those chords from last lesson?

chord chart

ScottK: Ok, but it's hard to remember all the variations.

Pacer: Got them pretty good.

Lyle: Remember I said there would be a test? :-) Here's all the chords in the order that I taught them to you from the last lesson:

It is hard to remember them all, but with lots of practice you can do it. Keep in mind there are many other ways to play these chords and their variations. These are just a few to get you by for now.

radica: I like the ones on line 7!

Lyle: Here's your jam track to practice these chords again with:

Lyle: Now let's work on playing riffs over this common chord progression, the II - V - I.

Lyle: All three chords are in the key of G major. This simply means you can improvise with the G major scale over the whole thing:

Lyle: Try playing that G major scale against the jam track. You'll hear how it all blends well with the chords, no matter what notes from the scale you're playing.

Lyle: Another great scale choice to use in this situation is the G major blues scale, made from the root, 2, b3, 3, 5, and 6 of the major scale:

Arpeggios are great to use too. Here's a basic Am arpeggio to play over the Am chord:

Lyle: Now learn this basic D7 arpeggio for the D7 chord:

And next learn this Gmaj7 arpeggio for the Gmaj7 chord:

Now put them all together to create a cool flowing jazz riff:

Here's an alternate way to play that last riff:

I like how the arpeggios sound, nice.

Lyle: Me too. To learn more about Arpeggios check out the RiffInteractive CD-ROM titled Arpeggio Applications.

Lyle: The D7 chord is the dominant chord, and it can be played as "altered". This means some outside notes, notes not in the key, can be played.

Lyle: This gives you the bluesy, jazzy sound.

Lyle: One of the best scales to use against any altered dominant chord such as the D7#9, D7#5, D7b9 chords is the D Super Locrian mode:

Pacer: Why is it "super"?

Lyle: It has one more degree in it that is lowered compared to the normal Locrian minor mode, the 4th degree.

Lyle: Learn this scale, we'll be using it a lot in future lessons.

Lyle: Here's an example of how you could use it during the D7 chord. Listen to the bluesy sound it makes:

Lyle: Notice you switched patterns for each chord. You started with a Gmaj scale, into the D super locrian, to a Gmaj7 arpeggio.

ScottK: Would be right to play the super locrian over the other chords?

Lyle: No, it wont fit well. Try it and see.

Lyle: Here's another example of how cool the D super locrian sounds over the D7 chord:

Lyle: That's all for this lesson. Keep practicing the chords, work on these improvising examples and practice the D super locrian.

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