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Lyle Ronglien >> Progressive Rock Guitarists >>

Progressive Rock Guitarists - Friday - Week 1

Today's example, over the A7#9 chord, is showing how you can play a familiar scale one fret higher than the key you're in to get some "outside notes" happening. This lick will help you gain some insight to the style and sound of jazz/rock fusion guitar players like Pat Matheny and Frank Gambale. Here you play a Bb natural minor scale over the A7#9 chord and then slip down one fret back into the pentatonic shape at the 5th fret to finish off the lick. The opening of this lick is fast but you can slow it down with the software.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick off
Key: A7

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