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Lyle Ronglien >> Guitarists Who Shaped the 80s >>

Guitarists Who Shaped the 80s - Tuesday - Week 2

Today's Lick of the Day illustrates a pounding, two-string attack reminiscent of guitarist Angus Young from the band AC/DC. Angus helped shape the guitar of the `80s with his band's release of their 6th album, Back in Black, in August of 1980. He combined the blues style with a hard rock edge creating some of world's most powerful and memorable riffs. In the example below, palm mute all the open A (5th) string notes. This technique is achieved by resting the heel or palm of your picking hand on the bridge of the guitar and dampening the string as you strike it.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: A

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