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Slide Guitar for Beginners Open Tuning - part
Lesson Sample
Teacher: Listen to the lesson sample, I'll be
showing you how to play all the lead slide guitar solos. I used an electric
guitar for the slide parts but you can use either electric or acoustic for the
Teacher: This lesson is in open D
Open D tuning
The three chords used in this familiar 12 bar blues progression are simply D - G
- A. These are the "1 - 4 - 5" chords in
Teacher: Now that you're in the right tuning, the
three chords can be simply played across the neck using your slide. Remember to
keep your slide on top of the fret, not inbetween them.
The two solos you're about to learn have many riffs in them, all based around
each chord during the progression. Here's the chord chart and jam track for this

jam track in D
jaa: Is the
jam track in standard tuning?
Teacher: jaa, the acoustic guitar in the jam
track is also in the open D tuning. (If you used a guitar in standard tuning,
you could strum the chords listed in the chord chart using standard
Teacher: Here's the first solo from the Lesson
Sample. It's full of riffs that are positioned around each chord that is
happening at the time. Notice during the first 4 bars (D chord) the slide riffs
are based around the 12th fret D chord, then the riffs change position to the
5th fret (G chord) to match that chord etc.
solo 1
MikeB: Lyle -
What scale are you using for solo? Major ? Pentatonic?
Teacher: Mike, the riffs used for soloing come
from each chord position. Take the D chord at the 12th fret, all those notes
across the 12th fret are in the D major chord. The notes at the 10th fret are
used to slide up to the chord. The resulting notes from the 10th and 12th frets
are a combination of D major and minor pentatonic but mostly major
Teacher: Same thing happens for each of the other
two chords at the 5th and 7th frets, G and A. During the progression you simply
follow to the next chord with your
Is there a preferred finger for the
Teacher: Yes, the 3rd or 4th
Teacher: Let's look at the second solo
solo 2
Teacher: Solo 2 again stays right with each
chord. I made the solo with repeating riffs so it wouldn't be too hard to
memorize. You can loop the TAB playback to play along with me or use the jam
Teacher: Hope you enjoyed this lesson on the open
D tuning. If you are interested in receiving your own customized private
lessons from me, simply email me at and I'll send you the
information. Thanks, Lyle

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