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Lyle Ronglien >> Strumming & Picking Patterns >>

Picking Patterns - part 3

Lyle: Here's another finger picking pattern to learn. This pattern is for the open G chord. You'll pluck the bass note (6th string) with your thumb, at the same time plucking the 1st string with your 3rd finger. Your index finger will pluck the 3rd string, and your middle finger will pluck the 2nd string. This is a tricky pattern so go slow to make sure you're doing it right. Soon, your right hand will get used to it.

Lyle: Now let's add a few more chords. The only thing that changes with your right hand is the placement of the thumb. Try these next few chords::

Lyle: Here's a picture of the right hand getting ready to pluck the D chord:

right hand fingers

Lyle: There, 4 chords, more than enough to make a song! Next you're going to make a short chord progression from these chords to practice this pattern with. On all these picking patterns, remember to keep your 3rd finger on the 1st string, 2nd finger on the 2nd string, 1st finger on the 3rd string and use your thumb for the bass notes.

Lyle: After you have became familiar with these chords and the right hand pattern, try putting them all together like this.

Lyle: You can jam along to me with this looping sound clip:

Lyle: Let's put this pattern to another chord progression. First, check out these 3 easy C chords. The only thing that changes is the notes on the 2nd string:

Bry: What does "add9" mean?

Lyle: This means add the 9th degree of the scale to the triad. The D note is the 2/9 in the C major scale so we add the D note to the C chord.

Lyle: Notice how this time your right hand fingers are shifted up 1 string. Keep your thumb on the 5th string, index on the 4th, middle finger on the 3rd string, and ring or 3rd finger on the 2nd string. see if you can get the pattern to groove to this looping sound clip:

Lyle: Now take all 3 of the simple C chords and play them together like this:

Lyle: You can use this looping clip to play this lick along with me:

Lyle: Let's add more chords. The "relative" minor to C major is A minor.

Lyle: Now apply the same right hand pattern you just learned for the C chords to these A chords. Here's an example:

Bry: What do "sus4" and "sus2" mean?

Lyle: Bry, a basic chord is made up from what's called a "triad". The major triad is the root, 3rd and 5th combined to make the major chord, the minor triad is root, b3, 5th of a major scale to make a minor triad or minor chord. The sus2 (suspended second) chord is root, 2, and 5th of a maj scale, the sus4 (suspended fourth) is root, 4, and 5.

Lyle: So a C maj chord is made up of the triad, root, 3rd and 5th of the C major scale, C, E and G. The Csus2 is C, D and G, Csus4 is C F G.

Lyle: Here's a play along loop for lick 3, the A chords:

Lyle: Now put all the C chords together with the A chords

Lyle: Notice that the order of chords changes a little bit in this tab:

Lyle: Here's a loop to play along with for this tab:

Lyle: I practice finger picking on both acoustic and electric guitars.

Lyle: That’s all for this lesson. If you would like further study on this topic or any other topic, email me at for info on how you can get your own customized guitar lessons like this using Riff Interactive technology. Your private lessons can be downloaded to your pc for anytime, anywhere study. Thanks and see you at the next lesson. - Lyle

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