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Lyle Ronglien >> Beginning Guitar V - Rhythm >>

Beginning Guitar V - Rhythm

Lesson 3

check your tuning

Lyle: In this lesson you'll be learning a strumming pattern/rhythm riff that is very common and can be used in many songs.

Lyle: You'll be using the open Em chord for this exercise:

Em chord


Lyle: The rhythm pattern I want to show you is confusing for some beginners to get sometimes, so I'm going to take it slow, going in sections, and working up to the full rhythm.

Lyle: Let's start with getting the groove and timing together, play this while you are counting out loud and tapping your foot:

rhythm 1 - 1 2 3 4

rhythm 1 - 1 2 3 4

rhythm 1 - 1 2 3 4

Lyle: That's pretty easy. The hard part is getting everything working together in time. You should be strumming down for each beat, counting out loud and tapping your foot for each beat. Loop the TAB notation so you can play along with me, or try using this looping jam track:

Jam Track - practice

Lyle: Once you can do that, you're ready to start working on this cool rhythm pattern. Let's start be taking away the last two beats of the pattern:

rhythm 2 - 1 2

rhythm 2 - 1 2

rhythm 2 - 1 2

Lyle: Loop the TAB notation to play along with me, or use the looping jam track.

Lyle: Now we're going to add an upstroke right after you go down on beat 2. This is where it gets tricky:

rhythm 3 - 1 2&

rhythm 3 - 1 2&

rhythm 3 - 1 2&

pete: In the jam track, is the bass just a open E then a G on the E string?

Lyle: pete, the bass guitar part in the jam track is:

bass guitar - jam track

BigTX: I notice you keep the strum hand in motion even though your are not touching the strings.

Lyle: Good point, That helps you keep the timing and the groove going.

Lyle: The next step in making this rhythm is a big step. You're going to play two down strums followed by two up strums:

rhythm 4 - 1 2& &

rhythm 4 - 1 2& &

rhythm 4 - 1 2& &

Lyle: The down beats/strums are the numbers. The up beats/strums are counted as "&" or "and".

Lyle: Loop the TAB notation and play along with me. You can slow the TAB down if you want too. See if you can count out loud with me while you play. Play back the TAB file. Select the loop button and count right along with me.

Lyle: Rhythm 4 has two down beats and two up beats being played. Sure looks confusing in the regular staff notation....

BigTX: Yes, can you explain it?

Lyle: It's just what the Em chord looks like and the rhythm pattern as notated in staff notation. If you know how to read music, that's what it looks like.

Lyle: Next you'll add a down strum to what you just played in rhythm 4. You'll add the down strum at the end, on beat 4:

rhythm 5 - 1 2& &4

rhythm 5 - 1 2& &4

rhythm 5 - 1 2& &4

Jonp: That makes it easier now with something on all beats

Lyle: You should be strumming - down, down up...up down

Lyle: This is a very good rhythm pattern to use too, but the one I want you to learn is next. All you'll need to do is add a final up strum after beat 4:

rhythm 6 - 1 2& &4&

rhythm 6 - 1 2& &4&

rhythm 6 - 1 2& &4&

Lyle: You should be strumming - down, down, up...up, down, up

Lyle: This is a rhythm pattern that works on many songs. Make sure you're playing it exactly right, with the right down and up strums where they should be.

Lyle: Now you can try playing this rhythm pattern to this simple chord progression.

8 bar jam

8 bar jam

Lyle: Here's a looping jam track:

Jam Track - 8 bar jam

Lyle: Try playing rhythm 6 in each measure of the 8 bar jam.

Lyle: Your goal for this lesson is to be able to play the 8 bar jam right along with me. Memorize the chord progression and then use the looping jam track to play with me.

Lyle: If you're having a tough time keeping in time with me, it could mean you're strumming in the wrong direction for some of the beats.

Al: So it's the same strumming pattern and we just rotate through each chord?

Lyle: Al, yes, try playing rhythm 6 in each measure of the 8 bar jam.

Al: Cool, Thank you

Steve: What is the last chord you're playing in the 8 bar jam?

Lyle: B7

I run into this rhythm pattern over and over again with students when I'm teaching them songs.

Lyle: That's about it for this lesson. See you at the next lesson!

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