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Beginning Guitar V
- Rhythm
Lesson 5
Lyle: I am going to show you 5 different
rhythm riffs that can be tricky for the typical beginning student. The chords
you'll use will be:
The first rhythm pattern for you to try is a straight 16th note strum. You'll
use a constant down up, down up:
rhythm 1

rhythm 1
rhythm 1
With the 16th note strum pattern you'll be strumming 16 times per measure, 8
downs and 8 up strums. Sometimes we like to verbally count them as:
One E & a, Two E & a, Three E & a, Four E
& a
Lyle: Start with a down on the One and constantly
alternate. Watch the video clip.
Lyle: You can loop the TAB notation to play along
with me or try playing along to this drum beat:
Looping Jam
JonP: I
have trouble with the pick slipping?
Lyle: Me too! All I can say is hold on to
Al: What
thickness pick should we use for rhythm?
Joel: I'm using my classical.. just picking with the
thumb.. or is there a better technique?
Lyle: I always suggest a medium to heavy gauge
picks for all my students.
paul: Medium and heavy gauge picks are easier to
Lyle: If you're "pickless", then brush the
strings with your index finger or thumb.
BigTX: How loose should your hand
Lyle: A light gauge pick will give you a light
tone, a heavy gauge pick with help you play louder and help you produce a
heavier tone or thicker tone.
Lyle: Your wrist and forearm should be loose but
in control, not too loose. Watch my video clip again and look at my wrist as I
strum rhythm 1.
Lyle: The next rhythm pattern for you to try is
built from 8th note strums, which is half the amount/speed of what you just
played. The tricky part here in rhythm 2 is the sudden change before the end of
every other measure:
rhythm 2

rhythm 2
rhythm 2
You'll be changing to the G during an up strum, same with the last chord, the
BigTX: No
upstroke changing to the A?
Lyle: Nope, the D and A chords change on the One
beat, the "down beat", which is a down
Lyle: Loop the TAB notation and play it back.
Notice the G and C chords change in-between the 4 and 1 beats, and the D and A
chords change on the 1.
dh: Interesting how it sounds like the rhythm is
speeding up when you which from D to G and A to C. I suspect its because of
"catching" the next chord on the
Lyle: Yes, this type of rhythm pattern has that
effect of sounding like it is speeding up, and it's also referred to as "pushing
the beat".
Rhythm 3 has a "Pete Townshend" of The Who type of sound. See if you can play
right along with me by looping the TAB notation on this

rhythm 3
rhythm 3
Lyle: In
rhythm 4 you'll use power chords. Palm mute all the single string parts and
alternate your picking starting with a down stroke. Each power chord starts with
a down stroke:
rhythm 4

rhythm 4
rhythm 4
Palm muting means the note is partially muted by the pick hand lightly touching
the string(s) just before the bridge.
palm muting
Joel: Using
this one .. we'll be playing ACDC's dirty deeds ... in no time. may need work
though. :)
Lyle: Yes, bang your head in a down, up,
alternating rhythm.
Joel: LOL.. Angus Young is a favorite. Head's a good time
Lyle: The last rhythm for you to work on is a
variation of the last one. This time you'll be "pushing" the chord change for
every other chord, like you did earlier:
rhythm 5

rhythm 5
rhythm 5
Notice how the G5 power chord comes in between beats 4 and 1, same with the C5
power chord. The D5 and A5 power chords are "on the
Are you muting with the palm or the left hand by lifting the
Lyle: Palm mute is done with the palm of your
picking hand.
Lyle: We'll this is the end of the lesson. Any
questions before we take a break?
JonP: Are they down up strokes
Lyle: Rhythm 4 and 5 have alternating picking,
starting with a down stroke. Watch the video clips to see
BigTX: Can
you mute with the left hand also, by lightly lifting the
Lyle: Yes but not during any specified palm
muting riff. Palm muting means palm muting only.
Lyle: Great questions everyone, thanks for being
good students! Time to take a
break. If you would like me to help you with a song that has a rhythm that's
giving you trouble, email me at and we'll set up a custom private lesson so I can show
you how to play it.
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