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Beginning Guitar
VI - Scales
Lesson 3 - The Minor
Lyle: The minor pentatonic is made from
5 tones: The root, b3, 4th, 5th, and b7 tones when compared to the major
1 - E major
and E minor pentatonic
Notice the difference between the E major scale and the E minor pentatonic. They
both share the root, 4th, and 5th degrees. There is no 2nd and 6th degrees in
the minor pentatonic. The 3rd and 7th is flatted.
Lyle: The minor pentatonic is about the coolest
scale you can play on the guitar. It almost always sounds good. Try playing this
low open position pattern:
2 - E minor pentatonic open position
Think of it as a scale made from the 1, b3, 4, 5, b7 instead of the whole/half
Major scale: 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 Minor pent: 1 b3 4 5 b7
The minor pentatonic is used in almost all forms of music, blues, country, rock,
and jazz.
Lyle: Here's a two octave pattern played in the
open position:
3 -
E minor pentatonic open position 2
angus: What is
Lyle: b3 means flatted
3rd. Take the 3rd note of the major scale and lower it by 1
angus: same as the 7th,
Lyle: Here's a looping jam track that is
in a blues style in the key of E. You can play pretty much any of the notes from
the E minor pentatonic while the jam track is playing and you'll find it is easy
to "improvise with.
jam track - Blues Shuffle in E
Notice the minor pentatonic isn't as melodic sounding as the major scale or the
natural minor scale, which both have 7 tones, the pentatonic only has 5
Lyle: Here's just another way of playing the E
minor pentatonic down low in the open position but with a little extra part
added on:
4 - E
minor pentatonic extended
All the circled/highlighted notes are the root notes - E.
Here's a real fun pattern to play because it takes you up the neck for a total
of 3 octaves:
5 -
E minor pentatonic - 3 octaves
5 - E minor
pentatonic - 3 octave pattern
There happens to be 5 different patterns you can lean for the minor pentatonic
scale. You've just learned the 1st pattern in the open position, here's all 5 up
the neck.
6 - E minor pentatonic all 5 patterns
Here's another way of looking at the whole neck, with all the notes in the E
minor pentatonic and all the patterns laid out. Playback this TAB notation to
see and study it on the neck:
7 - key of E minor pentatonic
You'll see where all the 5 patterns are, all the root notes and the "shapes" of
each pattern.
Lyle: You ready for a challenge? Try playing all
5 patterns along to the jam track like
exercise with E minor pentatonic
It starts on E and ends on E. Here's a video clip of this
exercise with E minor pentatonic
Once you've memorized the 5 patterns for E minor pentatonic, try playing them in
A minor like this:
8 - key of A minor pentatonic
Earlier you were playing the E minor pentatonic scale along with a looping jam
track that was a 12 bar blues in E. Here's a new looping jam track in A for
the A minor pentatonic:
Blues Shuffle in A
Here's the same challenge as before, try playing all 5 patterns of the
pentatonic scale in A minor:
solo exercise with A minor pentatonic
solo exercise
with A minor pentatonic
For some beginners, this kind of a challenge is very hard to do. That's a lot of
patterns and notes and fingers to memorize. Do the best you can and at least get
the first pattern down.
Lyle: Each one of these patterns is moveable to
any other key you may need to be in. Here's an example of the most common minor
pentatonic pattern, pattern 1, and how you can work on moving it
up and down the neck to all the different keys:
9 - favorite
pattern and exercise
9 - favorite pattern and
dan: I
understand the moving of the pattern to be in a different key but how do you
what notes to do tricks on?
Lyle: Almost any note of the minor pentatonic
will sound good during improvising.
Lyle: Dan, that's the fun part, learning how to
Lyle: Learn other peoples riffs and solos, then
you can borrow their riffs to improvise
Lyle: That's all for this lesson on the minor
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