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Lyle Ronglien >> Beginning Guitar VII - Ear Training >>

Beginning Guitar VII - Ear Training

Lesson 1 - Single Notes

check your tuning

Lyle: Please double-check your tuning before you start. This lesson will be about finding single notes on the neck by using your ear. Other lessons will have you finding different chords, scales, melodies, and riffs. Are you ready?!

Lyle: Let's start with finding notes on the 1st string which is the E string:

notes on the 1st string

Lyle: Listen to this next clip and see if you can find it on the 1st string:

1st string - single note quiz 1

Lyle: Think you got it? Make sure you're in tune!

Lyle: Here's the answer. Click on the link, then load media, then play media to find the answer.

1st string - single note answer 1

Lyle: How did you do? Finding single notes on single strings is the best place to start. Now let's blaze through a bunch of them:

1st string - single note quiz 2

1st string - single note answer 2

1st string - single note quiz 3

1st string - single note answer 3


1st string - single note quiz 4

1st string - single note answer 4

sammy_andrews: What determines which name you use on a note like that?

Lyle: The key signature, but that's a complicated issue. In a case like this you can call it by either name.

1st string - single note quiz 5

1st string - single note answer 5

Lyle: Remember, this might be easy for some of you, but for some beginners it can be a challenge. In the lessons to come later in this series it will get tougher.

1st string - single note quiz 6

1st string - single note answer 6

Brad: In fact on the next STRING it will get tougher! :-)

Lyle: Good point! Let's switch to notes on the 2nd string, the B string:

notes on the 2nd string

Lyle: Now you'll be listening for notes on the 2nd string:

2nd string - single note quiz 7

2nd string - single note answer 7


2nd string - single note quiz 8

2nd string - single note answer 8


2nd string - single note quiz 9

2nd string - single note answer 9

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2nd string - single note answer 10

2nd string - single note quiz 11

2nd string - single note answer 11

Lyle: Here's the last one for the 2nd string:

2nd string - single note quiz 12

2nd string - single note answer 12

Lyle: Now let's switch to notes on the 3rd string, the G string:

notes on the 3rd string

Lyle: Not only does this help you get your ear in tune, it helps you learn the name of the notes all over the neck! Here we go with the 3rd string:

3rd string - single note quiz 13

3rd string - single note answer 13

3rd string - single note quiz 14

3rd string - single note answer 14

BigTX: Do you have perfect pitch Lyle?

Lyle: No, I don't but pretty close.

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3rd string - single note answer 15

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3rd string - single note answer 16

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3rd string - single note answer 17

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3rd string - single note answer 18

Lyle: Had enough yet? Are you an expert at finding the notes by ear? If not then let's keep going!!! Let's do the notes on the 4th string, the D string:

notes on the 4th string

4th string - single note quiz 19

4th string - single note answer 19

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4th string - single note answer 24

Lyle: We can't stop here, there's just two more strings to go!!! Let's test the notes on the 5th string:

notes on the 5th string

5th string - single note quiz 25

5th string - single note answer 25

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5th string - single note answer 30

Lyle: Well, just one string to go! Here's the notes on the 6th string, the big E string:

notes on the 6th string

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6th string - single note answer 35

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6th string - single note answer 36

JonP: What a great way to hear how different the notes sound.

Lyle: This is a lot of stuff but remember, repetition is the key to getting good on the guitar. Keep testing yourself. Now is a great time to take a break.

<< load notation from left
<< load audio from left
<< load audio from left

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